There is something rotten in the state of Terf Island

Queer Kari
Marsha’s Brick
Published in
8 min readAug 16, 2022

We need to talk about the UK

Please read the following 20 headlines culled from British news sites.

  1. MP Fletcher Sheffield schools letter says ‘homosexuality nothing more than a phase’

2. PM says ‘Black people’ should not compete in white sport and venues should have white only spaces

3. Meredith Foulstarer: Woman who lost job over race realism views warns of ‘scary’ precedent if her tribunal appeal fails

4. Reports of Racist hate crimes rise by more than 50% in West

5. Strathling: Don’t shut down Tom Metzger, Former KKK grand wizard, in race debate

6. Rose Duffer meets Labour leader to discuss race issues

7. Ban conversion therapy for Muslims but not Christian people, says Taliban Health Secretary

8. Elderly woman, 80, who has attended municipal pool for 35 years is BANNED after demanding lesbian worker leave women’s locker room accusing them of ‘watching little girls pulling down their suits’

9. Black prisoners to be barred from women’s jails in strict new policy proposed by Dominique Rab-id

10. Tommy Robinson: Diversity zealots have created a dangerous new religion — we must get serious about taking them on

11. EXCLUSIVE: ‘What’s happening to this country, is all humour dead?’ Ex athletics coach who jokingly dressed up in black face as ‘Olympic 2024 black athletic team’ at town carnival hits back at ‘racist’ claim and says his group has nothing to apologise for

12. Town carnival is forced to issue grovelling apology after float that jokingly featured white men dressed ‘Black’ was deemed ‘racist’ by a visiting black person

13. ‘Joan of Arc is a white cultural icon’: Backlash grows against Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre for new play depicting Maid of Orleans as Black character with ‘african’ and ‘middle eastern’ heritage

14. Elite $33K-a-year Nashville all-girls school that counts Reese Witherspoon and Amy Grant as alumni unveils new policy allowing ANYONE who identifies as heterosexual to enroll

15. Schools should not teach eight-year-olds ‘key words’ such as black, homosexual, indigenous and People of colour, says Attorney General Suer Braverlessman — as she claims four-year-olds should NOT be told people can be gay or not white

16. British Transport Police faces backlash for suggesting people who question anti racist ideology should not work for them

17. EXCLUSIVE: White Inmate convicted for murder caught having drunken sex in cell booze-up

18. Cyclist Emiline Broads says lesbian women are the “punching bag” and “culture war” targets

19. Team GB Olympian warns racial policy reform will see women ‘quit in their droves’

20. Two female prisoners fall ill after having sex with fellow inmate

Each one of those headlines can be classed as either racist, sexist, homophobic, religious intolerance or banal.

Concepts like “Race issues” presented as something to be discussed. Fears about homosexual people being inherently sexual predators printed in an unchallenged manner. Politicians and government officials singling out a specific class of people for discriminatory reasons. Civilians mocking social taboos in an insensitive manner treated as the victims. Totally un-newsworthy articles about prisoners having sex and brewing illicit moonshine in jail find space on valuable online news real estate. The above list paints an ugly picture of what Britons are reading, saying and electing into government.

Of course, you may have read those and thought you could not believe those are actual headlines from the British press. Maybe you felt that it would be irresponsible of the press to put this kind of intolerance and hate into the public.

The good news is, I am having you on. None of those are real headlines. Well kinda not real. I edited them a little, they are all real headlines available now on British news sites and at the end of this article is a list of links to the originals with the edits I made.

However there is some bad news, in fact if you are British and you are not currently very unhappy with your government and your press, it’s very bad news. It’s bad news because you are either an unconscious bigot or worse yet, a very conscious bigot. Those headlines all had one thing in common before I edited them, references to trans people in the places that mention race, religion or having sex in jail. Below are the original headlines.

Before you read them, I would ask that you remember that you bear in mind that trans people are born trans. The current scientific consensus is that trans is as innate as skin colour or sexuality. You could no more ask a black person to be white than your could a lesbian to be straight than you can a trans person be cis. I ask you to remember that the root of racism, homophobia and other forms of intolerance is not arrived at by cool consideration or profound questions, but on the disgust for other human beings borne in ignorance. And so it is with transphobia. If you can look at the state of the press, government and society in the UK today and not see the open and aggressive bias against trans people, then I am sad to say you have some prejudices that need reevaluation. You have some blindspots that need attention because you are a transphobe,

Don’t be a bigot, read the following 20 unedited headlines and remember how you felt when it was racism, homophobia and religious intolerance.

1. MP Nick Fletcher schools letter says trans ‘nothing more than a phase’

2. PM says ‘biological males’ should not compete in female sport and venues should have women only spaces

3. Maya Forstater: Woman who lost job over transgender views warns of ‘scary’ precedent if her tribunal appeal fails

4. Reports of LGBT hate crimes rise by more than 50% in West

5. Streeting: Don’t shut down JK Rowling in trans debate

6. Rosie Duffield meets Labour leader to discuss transgender issues

7. Ban conversion therapy for LGB but not trans people, says Health Secretary Sajid Javid

8. Elderly woman, 80, who has attended YMCA pool for 35 years is BANNED after demanding transgender worker leave women’s locker room accusing them of ‘watching little girls pulling down their suits’

9. Trans prisoners to be barred from women’s jails in strict new policy proposed by Dominic Raab

10. SUELLA BRAVERMAN: Diversity zealots have created a dangerous new religion — we must get serious about taking them on

11. EXCLUSIVE: ‘What’s happening to this country, is all humour dead?’ Ex athletics coach who jokingly dressed up as ‘Olympic 2024 female athletic team’ at town carnival hits back at ‘transphobia’ claim and says his group has nothing to apologise for

12. Town carnival is forced to issue grovelling apology after float that jokingly featured burly men dressed ‘as the Olympic 2024 female athletic team’ was deemed ‘transphobic’ by a visiting trans woman

13. ‘Joan of Arc is a female cultural icon’: Backlash grows against Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre for new play depicting Maid of Orleans as non binary character with ‘they’ and ‘them’ pronouns

14. Elite $33K-a-year Nashville all-girls school that counts Reese Witherspoon and Amy Grant as alumni unveils new policy allowing ANYONE who identifies as female to enrol

15. Schools should not teach eight-year-old’s ‘key words’ such as transgender, pansexual, gender fluid or gender dysphoria, says Attorney General Suella Braverman — as she claims four-year-olds should NOT be told people can change sex or gender

16. British Transport Police faces backlash for suggesting people who question gender ideology should not work for them

17. EXCLUSIVE: Transgender inmate convicted for murder caught having drunken sex in cell booze-up

18. Cyclist Emily Bridges says trans women are the “punching bag” and “culture war” targets

19. Team GB Olympian warns gender recognition reform will see women ‘quit in their droves’

20. Two female prisoners fall pregnant after having sex with transgender inmate

Below is a list of links to the original articles and the edits I made. There are many more such articles and I suggest in future when you read an article that mentions a minority you play a game called “let’s make it black”. Replace all references to the minority with references to either BIPOC or Jews and if the result is racist or antisemitic, you are reading bigotry.

Oh and one more thing, I have used racism as an analogue for transphobia. While it is a valid analogue, it is imperfect. I as a trans person can pass as cis gender or I could even de-transition to escape prejudice. BIPOC can never hide. Keep that in mind next time someone says BLM.

1. (MP’s name and the word Trans replaced with the word homosexuality)

2. (the words Biological males was replaced with black, Female with white and Women with white)

3. (Woman’s name changed, the word Transgender was replaced with race rrealism)

4. (words LGBT replaced with Racist)

5. (Labour shadow ministers name altered, JK Rowling’s name replaced with Tom Metzer — former KKK Grand wizard, the word trans replaced with Race)

6. (Mp’s name changed, the word transgender replaced with race)

7. (Letters LGB replaced with Muslims, Trans replaced with Christians, Health Secretary altered to alternative political entity)

8. (Letters YMCA changed to Municipal, Transgender replaced with Lesbian)

9. (Trans replaced with Black, Justice secratary’s name altered)

10. (Suelle Braverman’s name replaced with Tommy Robinson a known far right racist)

11. (words Black face added, womens replaced with black, trasnphobia replaced with racist)

12. (word burly replaced with white, words as the Olympic 2024 female athletic team replaced with black, word transphobia replaced with racist, transgender women replaced with black person)

13. (the word female replaced with white, the words non binary replaced with , pronouns the them replaced with african and middle eastern, word pronouns replaced with heritage)

14. (word female replaced with heterosexual)

15. (words transgender, pansexual, gender fluid or gender replaced with Black, Homosexual, indigenous and People of colour, Attorney’s name altered, phrase can change sex or gender replaced with can be gay or not white)

16. (word gender replaced with anti racist)

17. (word transgender replaced with white)

18. (cyclist’s name changed, word transgender replaced with lesbian)

19. (term gender recognition replaced with racial policy)

20. (word pregnant replaced with ill, word transgender replaced with fellow)

