We are not blind

Queer Kari
Marsha’s Brick
Published in
2 min readOct 11, 2022

I have penned pieces on trans inclusion in sport, the gender critical position of excluding trans women from women’s spaces and a few other things tackling the bigotry around trans people. As such I have seen the comments and even interacted with some of the commentators.

I have learnt a few things about people from this. Now it’s time that cis people learn a thing about trans people. Frankly, bluntly and without butter or sugar.

We are not blind. We see what cis people say. We see the weaselling and bargaining to avoid confronting the fact that many of you are transphobic. We know, its not all cis people, in the same way its not all men.

I have had one person say that while trans women are women, we need to separate the discussion on inclusion in sport from the label transphobia. No dear cis reader, trans women are women, that principle means you need to find ways to include us in women’s sport. We cannot separate the label “transphobe” from the transphobic person. Only the transphobe can rehabilitate themselves. There is no space for separate leagues for trans people, for the same reason separate but equal isn’t really equal.

I have seen several comments that trans women need to be excluded from women’s spaces due to the inability of some cis gender women from distinguishing trans women from cis men. No dear cis person, that is not how equality works. If you have a problem with men entering your spaces, your problem is men not trans women. We see this argument and we see your willingness to abandon trans women to the group you fear. We see your cruelty.

I have seen some people say that I need to be more convincing and more willing to compromise with the people who stand against trans equality. I do not need to convince you to stop being a transphobe, the problem is you, not me. Fix yourself.

Of course, it’s not all cis people who are transphobic. But we do see your comfort with the transphobes. We don’t see you calling them out on a regular basis. We don’t see you protecting us when we can’t protect ourselves.

We are not blind

And we see you do nothing

Edit : We see Nicola Sturgeon doing something, thanks Ms Sturgeon!!

