We have a place for that, stop doing it in Public.

Queer Kari
Marsha’s Brick
Published in
5 min readDec 21, 2022

If you aren’t trans or british, you probably will miss this whole point.

If however you are a religious person who has an issue with LGBTQIA people, read on.

Once again I am about to write something that makes me want to hurl. Thanks guys.

So what brought on this puke fest? David Mackereth is today’s hurlesque performer.

If you have been lucky enough to be living under a rock you have probably missed the good doctor and his cause celebre. A few years ago Dr Mackereth was working for a government agency that evaluates disabilities, specifically who is disabled and how much compensation they are entitled to.

His employer informed the staff that they were required to respect the pronouns of trans people and misgendering would not be tolerated. Dr Mackereth found an objection in his Christian heart and objected. This resulted in him being told to find a new job. He obviously took his employer off to court and lost, then lost the appeals and some more appeals and was even told he is a bigot by Piers Morgan.

Well a few days ago his last appeal was once again booted. The judge basically telling him, he is entitled to whatever belief he can dig up but that he may not be a discriminatory bastard at work.

Please forgive me if the details are less than perfect, Dr David Mackereth has the personality of a soggy turd and as such I didn’t want to get too deep into it.

As a result of his last appeal being treated with the contempt it deserves, David took to YouTube. I am completely unsure if he meant to make the viewer feel like they had accidentally sharted whilst commando in a summer dress or if that was just a bonus. Somewhere near the beginning he said “for me, my religion comes first”.

My initial reaction was “well, if your religion comes first, why the fuck are you a doctor? Isn’t that a priest’s job?”

My second reaction was to shut YouTube down. Kari has her limits y’all.

This is the part where the nausea sets in, so please spare a thought and some sympathy for me.

The Pope has a point, well not so much the pope as an individual but more the entire Catholic Church. Some sects of Buddhism, a branch or two of the Eastern Orthodox and the Copts as well. The pope, as an individual, is a transphobic and homophobic asshole who has been part of an organisation that has enabled, protected and employed active paedophiles as well as assisted nazi war criminals to escape Europe and the noose at the end of WW2. Oh, I guess that also counts for him personally too. What’s important here is while the clergy of any faith is packed to the gunnels with shit, they kinda have a solution to a problem the USA and all other theocracies are dying from.

Allow me to transport you back into the dark, mystic roots of humanities dawn (also, hold my hand while I take you on a tour of my dislike for religion and showcase the other reason Saudi Arabia would execute me). Life for the ancient human was hard and short. A time before the internet. When the climate was cooler and there was more oxygen in the atmosphere.

No, not the 80’s, the Paleolithic. It was at this time that anything that could not be explained by human knowledge was filed in the “Mysteries” cabinet. This being the Paleolithic, just about everything went into the cabinet of mysteries.

At some point the invisible linkages in time and force between events and objects became known as Magic. We finally had a name for the cabinet of mysteries.

Not long after that the very first asshole told everyone an overweight lie. They told the rest of the tribe the magic came from a mystical being no one but they could see and communicate with. That was the birth of religion aka the long con. Obviously it took some convincing for the rest of the tribe to fall for this rubbish, but fall they did.

Naturally the Proto-Priest felt that his special link to the almighty exempted him from the hazardous tasks, like hunting and gathering. Some within the tribe naturally felt a little cheated when they realised they would be carrying a naked emperor. This led to a battle between the sceptical voices of reason and the spiritual folks who really bought into that crap.

At some point the Proto-Priest morphed into an actual Priest. My gut instinct is that this happened shortly after the local shaman started mucking about in people’s sex lives. Steadily over the millenia, more and more people fell for the crap. I am sure it had a lot to do with superstition and fear of the unknown. This resulted in most religions developing some level of institutional organisation.

A further development was the concept of “The separation of church and state” which was born around the start of the 18th century. I cannot be sure, but I think it’s a safe assumption to make that this separation was proposed as a direct result of the general population becoming weary of priests hacking bits of people’s genitals off. Either way, society as a whole decided that we will leave government and the logistics of society to secular and unbiased organisations and the spiritual crap to spiritually minded people who have strange obsessions with other people’s sex lives.

So we put the politicians in government and the priests in the monastery. We carved out a little hidey hole for weirdos who want to speak for god and lop off the spare skin on your junk. We limited their power of the clergy to a voluntary group of people who bought into it.

Look, if you want to go eat holy crackers on sunday, aim yourself to Mecca several times per day or find god in every inanimate object, go right ahead. I support you, in whatever you need to do, until you do it to me or anyone unwilling or unable to provide consent.

Yes, that means no more genital mutilation for the freshly born, yes that means no more whining like stuck pigs when two gay people tie the knot and it means no Fucking Dr David Mackereth working in public health.

If your religion precludes you from working in a secular environment, the church has your back, but we don’t.

If your faith is so strong you can’t stand to use a person’s correct pronouns or sign a marriage registry, join the fucking Vatican and fuck off already. We made you a little place where you and your god bothering can be humored.

Stop invading our society with your superstitions.

