You Fucking did this

Queer Kari
Marsha’s Brick
Published in
3 min readFeb 28, 2023

Dear right wing politicians, left wing politicians, right wing commentators, left wing commentators, left and right media.

And you dear Cis People

You did this

This is Brianna Ghey

We miss you Brianna

She was a sixteen year old trans girl who lived in the UK. She was stabbed multiple times and left for dead by two fifteen year old kids.

Her family will never know the joy of her company again. They will never share her life with her. They won’t get to know the people she would have loved and created her home with one day.

Her parents will never know the grandchildren she may have had.

Her parents will never hold her in their arms again.

I want you to sit with that, I want you to imagine the emptiness they will now carry. I want you to imagine losing the most precious person you have. Maybe it’s your mother, your father or your child. I want you to imagine their last moments as someone repeatedly drove a knife into their flesh.

I want you to imagine the thoughts Brianna had as the blood drained from her veins and stained the path she was found on. I want you to place yourself in her mother’s shoes when the medical examiner pulled back the sheet from her cold lifeless face and asked “is this your daughter?”.

It’s a bleak and uncomfortable place to be isn’t it?

imagining the loss and suffering of someone close to you is painful.

Now, I want you to understand that you did this. You may not have driven that blade into Brianna repeatedly, but your hands are no less bloody than the two kids who did.

You did this by standing idle while transphobia boiled over in society.

When JK Rowling wrote her “terf wars” rubbish, you said nothing.

When Matt Walsh published his faintly camouflaged hate film “what is a woman” you did fuckall.

When Ron DeSantis and co started writing laws to marginalise us and outlaw our healthcare, you did absolutely nothing.

When Joe Rogan hosted hate-author Abigail Shrier, you said she had a point before you even checked the validity of her work.

When your trans siblings demanded the basic human respect due to everyone, you said you didn’t agree with all that “woke stuff”

When trans people wanted to use the bathroom that matched their gender, you said “but what about cis men pretending to be trans and gaining access to women’s bathrooms”.

You fucking did this when you made us into the “trans debate” and when you humoured their “concerns”

So it is with this in mind that I ask you, how am I supposed to not hate you?

What’s worse is that you have humoured this attack on trans lives. Whilst ignoring the fact that the people who did this to us, are screwing you too.

Ron DeSantis and the Republican Party have torn the USA apart and left Americans in a situation where working two jobs is normal and medical bankruptcy is the soup du jour. Donald Trump has dismantled democracy in the USA with his inability to accept election results. Yet you stand idle while another law banning trans healthcare is voted in by state legislators.

Liz Truss and the Tory brigade have crushed the UK under the heel of austerity for more than a decade and the population is obsessed with “concerns” about trans people while you live through the biggest cost of living crisis in a century.

Pro lifers like Matt Walsh and Ben Shapiro have gotten their way and removed the right to abortion in the USA. The biggest attack on bodily autonomy in the USA to date. While you clutch your pearls about drag queens and puberty blockers.

You humoured these people and their debate. It’s not like you can pull out that tired Martin Niemöller “first they came for” rubbish because those fuckwits have been at your rights and quality of life with hammer and tongs at the same time. You enabled our destruction and your own at the same time.

They attacked trans people and cis people at the same time, but you sided with them.

You played along.

You did this.

And I don’t know if I hate you or not.

