A Place For The Creators To Call Their Own

Empowering through giving freedom to experiment and grow

5 min readSep 24, 2017


Last weekend, we were in a conversation with a passionate fashion blogger who creates YouTube videos to share amazing insights into recent fashion trends.

She talked about how she spent hours before recording the video in finding a perfectly white wall that also had bright and natural lighting.

She didn’t want to spend on renting a studio.

So, she called up many friends to ask for a suitable place till she finally figured one place that suited her requirements.

But as she packed up and went to shoot there, she realised there was another big issue — background noises and distractions. She somehow managed to produce the video but it wasn’t upto her expectations.

So she ended up being quite disappointed and demotivated. This is the struggle of every creator today.

The struggle of every creator.

Creating something from scratch like any visual story(video/images) and putting it out there regularly is itself a very challenging task. Add to that the fact that most creators work on a strict budget during the early days.

It takes years of devotion to their craft to create and share quality content everyday before they can actually start making money from it.

Imagine the number of challenges they face — pressure due to following an offbeat career, no money to invest on their craft, having to come up with new ideas constantly, building connection with their online audience, growing their following etc.

The list is endless.

Add to that the struggle of not having a proper place to practice their skills!

Creative minds are at their absolute best when they are not limited by any constraints.

The biggest problem that every creator faces is the lack of a proper space and setup where they can leave their creative side untethered.

Lack of opportunities, the high cost of studios and equipment, and sometimes even the lack of encouragement can be be the reason for them to lose their spark.

All content creators — artists, singers, cinematographers, dancers who have made it big today struggled with the same problem in their initial days.

They didn’t have a place at their disposal where they could create content freely. Even Pink Floyd’s band members used to practice their music at their friend’s flats or rented studios during the initial days.

The secret to their success was that they never stopped creating.

We at Marsplay understand that providing creators a proper place is the one thing we can do to ensure that they never stop their creative journey. From the very first day we have dreamt about empowering them.

Creativity is nothing but a mind set free. The desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human soul.

With a strong belief in bringing out the unique voice of every creator which needs to be expressed, we wanted to give them a place where they could find that absolute freedom to experiment with their ideas.

A place that they can call their OWN.

With this vision, we have set up this creative studio that all creators can use for free and call their own. It’s a place for them to open up their minds and put out all their creativity in the form of style stories, V-logs, look-books, styling tips, inspirational videos and what not.

A place where the only limit is their own imagination.

What do people say about our creator studio?

“Its very hard to find a good studio space for creating content, Marsplay and MYOLO have solved that problem for most bloggers and content creators. Its well equipped for anything you can imagine such as video production, photography etc. As a female blogger, it felt like a very safe place to be. Would definitely recommend it!” — Sheena


“Mostly I shoot outdoors because I have to spend on hiring a photographer as well. I am still at the stage of growing and establishing my blog so I can’t afford to spend a lot on every shoot. So, this was my first indoor studio shoot experience and I loved it. I was able experiment so much without feeling uncomfortable because of the usual stares that I get while shooting outdoors.” -Devika Duggal


More about the Creator Studio

The ‘Creator Studio’ is well equipped with proper studio lightings and backdrops (white, black and millennial pink). It’s a space dedicated to all content creators (bloggers, influencers, startups and everyone else) to empower everyone to unleash their talents.

To create, collaborate and conquer.

Every creator is free to come here to experiment, grow, take risks, breaking rules, making mistakes and have fun. The best thing is that it’s all for FREE!

It is located at MYOLO HQ, Green Park Extension, New Delhi.

When is it available?

The studio is now open and accepting reservations. While there’s no time to create, some day hours do make for easier collaboration and better results.

To put it straight: All days | 8am — 7pm

How to use and who to contact?

To use the studio, all you need to do is reserve the space and show up. The ecosystem will then conspire to get you the best shots and great content.

For more information and reservations, please contact:

The Marsplay team at hello@marsplay.co
Or leave a message on the Marsplay Facebook page

If you are excited about joining Marsplay and share your style stories, just go to our website and sign up. We are offering an opportunity to a few early sign ups to do a free shoot with us. 😃





Create new trends with things you love. Make money when friends shop your style. www.marsplay.co