My UX Design Process

Marta Licul
Marta Licul
Published in
2 min readNov 8, 2017

My favorite part of the UX Design Journey is research. It can comprise of User Research, Interviews, Surveys, Card Sorting, Heuristic Analysis as well as Market and Competitor analysis. I also happen to think that it is the fundamental work of the entire project. There is no room for shortcuts there. Good research allows team to get to know the users and the real problem and focus on the right thing.

Revised Persona: Barbara

Once the research is completed I like to look (if possible) at the Information Architecture and User Flow. It gives a great overview of all the steps required to achieve the task. It also highlight potential problems or opportunities to make such flow better.

Design Studio then follows when teammates contributes their ideas on which vote is taken. A few rounds of design studio can create pretty unexpected but great solutions.

Sketches, Lo-fidelity wireframes create a skeleton of the final product. However, the project is far from over. In the next steps there should be plenty of ideations based on User Testing and the resulting feedback.

Iterations from Lo-fidelity prototype to Mockups

The most rewarding part of the project, is presenting the final version to the client where all the research and designs and decisions are interconnected. I will not say that it is when the work is finished, because there is always room for improvement, however feeling connected with the user throughout the process, having that empathy for the user is what makes all the hard work worth it.



Marta Licul
Marta Licul

As a UX researcher and designer I want to change peoples’ lives for the better in an ever more technology-dependent world.