Martial Arts News Roundup: Gina Carano Fired By Lucasfilm, BJJ Reduces Injuries in Arrests, and Hot Sauce Meets MMA in Amsterdam

Alanna Sheridan
Martial Arts Unleashed


EX MMA Fighter dropped from Star wars

Ex MMA fighter and Star Wars actor Gina Carano has officially been let go by Disney and Lucasfilm. Carano, who fought for Strikeforce, has been coming under fire lately for her views regarding Covid-19 guidelines and transgender pronouns. However, her most recent tweet compared the treatment of Jews during the Holocaust to conservatives’ treatment in the current political climate. Her talent agency also dropped her. However, shortly after she was dropped The Daily Wire picked her up to star and produce her own film.

Photo by Samuel Castro on Unsplash

BJJ reduces injuries in Georgia

In Marietta, Georgia, the police department reported their training in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu had reduced the injuries caused by arrests to both themselves and the perpetrators. The data released on Monday compared those…



Alanna Sheridan
Martial Arts Unleashed

Writer. Fighter. Artist. Athlete. Find me at, and Instagram @Alanna_Sheridan