6 Reasons to Start Training Muay Thai Today

Tomislav Zivanovic
Martial Arts Unleashed
6 min readJan 4, 2021


Muay Thai Fighter hitting the pads with a kick

Muay Thai is Thailand’s national sport and part of the culture and identity of its people. And in recent years, we can see the “art of eight limbs” slowly taking over the rest of the world.

Muay Thai has become very popular mainly due to the rapid rise of modern MMA fighting where it plays a key role. It is the most important standup weapon in MMA, and you just can’t fight inside the cage without Thai boxing skills. For instance, you can see the elements of Muay Thai in almost every great KO in MMA.

As a result of this rise, many people are joining the classes to learn self defense or get in top shape. In this article, we will bring you the best reasons why you should follow this trend and join the classes today.

And we would like to address one thing. Even though it may look brutal on TV, Muay Thai is a true art. Training is safe, and you will have a ton of fun doing it.

It is great for self defense

Muay Thai is perhaps one of the most useful striking styles you can learn for self-defense. This is because the techniques are powerful and they match well against other styles like boxing.

Muay Thai skills are very useful in fighting because they teach you how to use all your limbs to do damage, similarly to old school karate. No other martial art except for Taekwondo will teach you better kicking techniques. And you will learn good boxing skills as well.

On top of that, Muay Thai has an edge over other arts since it includes clinch fighting. It will teach you how to use elbows and knees to do damage, or throw the rival off balance.

Female Muay Thai fighter hitting the pads with a flying knee
Photo by Thung Phan found on Flickr

As we know, clinch battles are common in street or MMA fighting. And no other martial art is better than Muay Thai in this aspect. In some way, it will prepare you for any type of fighting scenario you may encounter on the streets.

Muay Thai burns fat and helps lose weight

Muay Thai is a hard sport to train and the sessions are exhausting. I mean, coaches will put your mind and body to a test many times. But if you survive the opening months and maintain the focus on what’s in front, you will enjoy huge benefits.

Female Muay Thai fighter hitting the pads with her coach
Photo by Patty Ho found on Flickr

One of the benefits of hard training is, of course, weight loss. You may find it hard to believe, but Muay Thai is one of the best ways you can lose weight. A single hour of Thai boxing burns around 800–1000 calories which is a lot! If you commit yourself to train, Muay Thai will help you get into those pants you couldn’t wear in just a few months!

Above all, hitting the pads and heavy bag allows you to lose weight in a healthy way. And on top of that, you will have a ton of fun doing it. This is the main reason why we can see so many men and women joining the classes. Running on a treadmill and doing the same exercises quickly becomes boring.

Muay Thai allows you to get fit while learning something new every day.

It is the ultimate stress reliever

There is nothing like finishing a long day full of stress with a Muay Thai training session. You will punch and kick out all the negativity you accumulated inside your mind and body during the day. I mean, there’s nothing like it.

Two Muay Thai students exchanging strikes

When you get stressed during the day, the last thing you should do is to go home, lay on the couch, and fell asleep thinking about those same problems. It will destroy your mind and body in the long run.

Instead, pack your bag and join the Muay Thai classes. They will help you cool your mind and emotions down. This is the only way you can look at the problems from an objective standpoint and find the solution.

Muay Thai training is a perfect distraction. In training, you will focus on learning new techniques and how to execute them. Once the session is over, your mind will release some “happy” chemicals that will keep you in a positive mood for the next few days.

It builds a strong character

Like most martial arts, Muay Thai training is very good for your mental health. It will help you overcome many of the personal issues, boost self-esteem, and build a strong character.

As said earlier, training Muay Thai will push your mind and body over the limits. It will force you to do stuff you thought was impossible and conquer many fears. Training every day will give you a sense that you are moving forward in life and make you feel better about yourself.

Two Muay Thai students sparring
Photo by Delaney Turner found on flickr

Further, you will learn how to defend yourself and your loved ones. We can put into words how much this boosts your self belief and impacts every aspect of your life. You will have the courage to deal with all the problems life may bring you, including the fighting itself.

Many people have found their inner peace or happiness training Muay Thai. So why don’t you join the classes and become one of them tomorrow?

Improves the mobility of the hips

Keeping your body mobile and strong is very important. In the long run, it will prevent many injuries and keep you safe from various pain that comes with aging.

Yet, making your hips and body flexible is not easy and will not come overnight. Muay Thai training may speed up this process for several reasons. First, you must stretch before and after every training session. Further, constantly throwing high kicks and knees will make you flexible in a short time span.

Muay Thai fighter hitting the pads
Photo by Anton Murray taken from Flickr

Everything you do in Muay Thai training and each technique you throw will activate your hips. From punches to kicks, every Muay Thai fighter must have mobility in the hips to perform the right way and throw strikes with a lot of power.

In the end, this will have a huge impact on your life. Feeling loose in your own body will make you feel much better during the day.

It will boost your endurance and make the heart stronger

Muay Thai training falls into a group of both aerobic and anaerobic activities. Thus, it’s not a secret training can often be exhausting and will push a person over their limits. But, putting in a lot of work is the only way you can boost your cardio.

The intense training will raise your heart rate and help improve the VO2 max levels in the long run. In the long run, this will boost your cardio, reduce blood pressure, and make the heart stronger.

You see, having a deep gas tank is crucial for Thai boxing. The coaches put a lot of emphasis on running and doing all types of aerobic stuff. This is the reason why Thai fighters can go through a grueling fight without breaking a sweat.

For instance, the Thai fighters usually run 12 miles before every session just to warm up! As an amateur, you would run much less. But this gives you a better look into why Muay Thai fighters are cardio gods in the combat sports world.

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