Why your kids should learn Martial Arts

Tomislav Zivanovic
Martial Arts Unleashed
5 min readOct 24, 2019


Getting involved in martial arts with a long history could be very beneficial to any person. The age factors play no rules in this, and it also doesn’t matter from which social status you’re coming. Martial arts undoubtedly represent the perfect opportunity for everyone to get in the physical and mental shape.

Many studies had shown that martial arts like Karate are good for self-control, help to battle with anxiety and depression and even reducing aggression among children. However, this time we’ve decided to focus on a few abstract benefits that we hear all the time, but have never thought about the meaning.

We’ve all heard many Masters and specialists speaking in the philosophical tone about their martial arts. Preparing you for lifetime learning which never ends and that the ultimate destination is the actual journey. Although it could be confusing at first, the examples of this philosophical approach could be seen in any martial arts gym in the world.

For many, digging deep into your soul and discovering the true self is the purpose of life. To do so, one must place himself outside of the comfort zone which will instantly trigger all sorts of daemons to put a fierce fight against any change. Martial arts will enable you to experience these inner depths through defeats and failures which will impact your confidence and test motivation. However, what you can perceive at the end of the tunnel and learn could be life-changing for most people.

We’ve done research for you on the most important martial arts lessons that will improve your life outside the gym and help you to become a better person.

No shame and guilt in being defeated

Every martial art like Karate and Jiu-jitsu are traditionally based around some following which typically consists of a tremendous amount of honor, humbleness, and respect. When you walk into the gym, you can instantly feel there is something above the fighting in the air. Masters and longtime trainers are carefully approaching every failure with a positive attitude which will encourage you to focus on the positive aspects of your mistakes, instead of judging and feeling ashamed.

Converting weaknesses into strengths

Feeling revealed from pressure is always a good thing. However, the moment you receive a full-blown punch to the stomach for the first time isn’t. Your fears about being a “regular beginner” are developing into reality. There are many breaking points in martial arts that will see you giving up or throwing up and continuing forward. Being in a humble society and embracing the obstacles will quickly show that getting up is the only right choice. Furthermore, realizing that your mind gives up before your body does will give a sense of comfort to explore the unknown limits.

Growing confidence and self-esteem

By overcoming the inner voices and pushing yourself beyond the abilities, the brain starts releasing many chemicals that positively affect the behavior. Jikkemeien Vertonghen and Marc Theeboom conducted research on the Social-Psychological impact of martial arts (read the full study here). The results indicated that by regularly participating and training, martial arts is considerably helping in growing confidence and self-esteem!

Mental resilience and toughness

Having the mind guided in the right direction and body full of necessary confidence is the key competence of every successful martial artist. Once you feel comfortable stepping into the unknown, exploring new techniques and training hard every session, physical and mental toughness are naturally following. By constantly pushing your body over the limits and breaking the barriers you are not just building the muscles and spreading the gas tank, your mental resilience is becoming stronger. Strong mental resilience leads to possibly biggest changes in the life of martial artists. It supports you to deal with stressful situations better, not reacting emotionally and impulsively but rather looking at everything from a more objective point.

Surround yourself with positive and respectful people

A traditional quote says “You can tell a man by the company.” Every martial art is above any individual! That said, it’s very rare to see misbehavior in the gyms or fierce rivalries which could lead to aggression. Everyone is expected to follow the right set of values built on respect, self-discipline, and control. The gyms are full of optimism and positive vibes which will make any bad day or situation disappear through a good laugh. The most beautiful thing about martial arts is that everything bad that you bring inside the gym converts to the right set of values that you carry outside.

Destination unknown — Enjoy the journey

“The battle is between who you are now, and who you want to be” — Source

Ultimately, martial arts will traditionally teach you to live in the moment and willingly embrace everything that’s around you. As humans, we’re addicted to control and holding everything in our hands. By letting go of most uncontrollable things, the mind becomes calmer and clear. Instead of wasting energy on unnecessary things, martial artists are focusing on living in the moment and doing what they can. The truth is, the final destination doesn’t exist in any form. Waking up as a better person than you were yesterday, accomplishing daily tasks with the smile, be kind to the others and enjoying this roller-coaster ride called life is the final “destination” of every martial artist.

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