Martians vs Roughnecks announces partnership with EtherMail: a new standard for anonymous and encrypted communication.

Nessa Spencer
Published in
2 min readApr 12, 2023

Martians vs Roughnecks (MvR) is excited to announce its partnership with EtherMail, the first email solution that sets the standard for anonymous and encrypted wallet-to-wallet communication. With this partnership, MvR will be able to send content directly to their asset holders using EtherMail’s fully anonymous and encrypted P2P communication platform.

In addition, MvR will be able to market to any web3 wallet based on blockchain synced mailing lists and campaign triggers. MvR can send targeted content and marketing campaigns to its customers, using on-chain data, in a secure and private manner, without compromising personal information.

EtherMail is launching a blockchain-backed protocol that aims to fight phishing, spam, and other types of email fraud. Only official partners have access to the automation tools and the ability to send emails from the desired account. This ensures maximum trust and security for both MvR and their customers.

Furthermore, EtherMail links contracts and wallets together to verify that the origins of emails are matching. This additional layer of security guarantees that emails are coming from a trusted source and that the information contained within them is genuine. EtherMail also provides an auto-whitelisting service, providing additional security for all MvR’s future NFT drops.

As an added bonus, EtherMail rewards its users for reading relevant content in their inbox, making it a win-win for both MvR and their customers.

More about EtherMail:

About MvR:​

Martians vs Roughnecks (MvR) started in late 2021 as a 6,667 NFT humour-based project centred around an intergalactic battle between Martians and ​the wily Roughnecks of Texas.​

The first collection of NFTs sold out fast, and with the support of a growing, loyal and dedicated community the project has grown and branched into new exciting areas with a long term plan to develop into a fully-fledged media brand.​

The six members of the core management team at MvR has decades of experience working with, and for, some of the world’s leading brands, ​including the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games, Guinness, Unilever, McDonalds, British Airways, HSBC and eTORO. The team’s skillset ​spans a number of key sectors including finance, IT, communications and marketing, advertising and art. Including the world-class board of Advisors, ​the MvR team is a 15 person-strong business with external bespoke support.​

MvR is building a worldwide brand across a number of areas — art and animation, music and gaming, and don’t forget… Beer! All at the cutting edge of ​blockchain technology.

