The Convenience of Integrated Recruiting in the Maritime Industry
The current advances in technology within the Maritime industry are beneficial for seafarers, shipowners and manning agents alike. Maritime careers are changing as open communication channels begin to balance control on the seafarer's side.
Integrated recruiting provides control, transparency, and access to a wider range of supported applications/functions/features. In a hyper-specialized industry like maritime recruitment, the prospect can seem arduous. Keeping MLC:2006 regulations, certification checks and candidate interviews in mind, the digitization of the crewing procedures is just the tip of the iceberg. A shipowner’s requirement for the multinational crew means different regulatory frameworks, that have to be tackled by an enormous amount of administrative effort.
Even if the digital transformation slowly gains acceptance in the maritime industry, this might be the reason why manning agents and shipowners were not following this trend in digitizing their crewing recruitment procedures. It has been argued that transparency, meaning access to information and resources in the recruitment sector, are limited this way. Integrated systems provide boundless admittance to recruitment resources from around the globe.
Martide, have created a community driven to improve maritime recruitment through the creation of an integrated platform that benefits and protects all users. Having all user groups ranging from Seafarers and Manning Agents to Shipowners- and Managers on the platform, we were able to develop a full customization recruitment experience, based on our Crewing Managers know-how. Not only are all regulations and reference checks, standardized in one seamless space, but whenever our customers decide to connect with an agent in a new country, we have all requirements in place to onboard you within minutes.
If you are interested in receiving more information about the platform simply contact