Auto Dealers, Restaurants, & Apartments…Oh My!
The Murgado proposal for additional auto dealerships, restaurants, and apartments in South Stuart on Federal Highway once again was pulled from the LPA agenda last week and re-scheduled to March at the applicant’s request.
The almost 23-acre addition to the 12-acre existing car dealerships will bring to the property three more car dealerships, one supporting car wash, two commercial buildings, a restaurant, three multi-family buildings of 268 apartments with a clubhouse and other amenities. The current zoning allows Murgado, a Miami based investor, to invoke the “Live Local Act” which would allow close to 700 apartments if my math is right. As part of the deal, he is asking for a change in zoning which would then preclude him from using the Act.
In my opinion, there is too much going on with the apartments, especially at the back of Willoughby. Yet it is amazing to me that no commissioner has sought a deal to lessen the residential impacts. As we saw with Costco, Merritt Matheson, and to a lesser extent Troy McDonald and Mike Meier, were able to obtain dozens of concessions which made the project better. That requires negotiation and then sticking to your word about what the deal is.
I don’t believe anyone who has dealt with Sean Reed would take his word to the bank. I have heard numerous stories from people who thought they had a deal with him only to be surprised later with his stance from the dais. Laura Giobbi made a statement about the need for housing at the last meeting but that is in contradiction to everything else she has ever said regarding approving new housing.
Boss Collins, besides controlling the above two, is a firm no for everything that has anything to do with housing. Yet none of the three see their power as a swing vote to not only help make it a better project but also bring needed tax revenue to the city. It is a shame that the three have no idea how to successfully govern.
If Murgado is turned down, is he likely to act under the “Live Local Act?” Though he has been a presence in our community for more than a decade, he is still a Miami businessman who will look after his own interest first. He also has a partner who will be the developer of the residential component. Without apartments, things become way more expensive for Murgado to build his dealerships and other commercial ventures.
Around the state, including in the halls of the legislature, Stuart has become the poster child for how not to govern. Don’t be surprised if it is not used to foster more anti-home rule legislation. Murgado has over $100 million tied up, and you can bet that he will seriously consider bypassing the political process.
At the same time, there are hundreds of billions of dollars tied to development in this state. The only way Florida state government has enough money is because 350,000 new residents a year making it their home. For that they need housing, regardless of what Boss Collins and his Politburo think.