Florida Term Limits Are Catching On

Thomas F Campenni
Martin County Moments
2 min readJan 15, 2024

County commissioner term limits seem to be gaining traction in the legislature.

There are companion bills in both the House and Senate to limit commissioners to eight years. This is something I have championed. Yet I would like to see it go further to embrace every elected office in Florida including constitutional and municipal.

The longer someone remains in the office, the more that office becomes their identity. They can’t conceive that the place could run without them. Public service becomes a career. And the way the system is set up, they are compensated very well for this part-time job including medical coverage and pensions.

I have known several office holders who cited their reason for running was that they wanted to give back to their communities. Yet, after a term or two, relinquishing the office becomes impossible for them. It isn’t only the compensation but also the prestige that comes with the title. Once elected, doors open that were always closed before, and once they are private citizens again, those doors will slam shut like before. The guy was the salt of the earth, but now has become a bit pompous and self-important.

With term limits so too should go much of the salary except for constitutionals. That would give them impetus to really be in the public service for a brief time only. They will put the people’s interest above being re-elected.

I also believe that requiring last year’s mandatory Form 6 Financial Disclosure to be filed by elected officials is unnecessary. Disclosing all the financial information involved is a hardship and quite frankly an invasion of privacy. We are seeing the results now with the mass resignations of local elected officials, especially on the west coast of the state.

Women and men of accomplishment in their business and community life are hesitant about telling the world the most intimate details of their financial lives. It discourages the very people we want to run for office. A public servant is someone that will take a couple of years and devote it to the betterment of their communities and not use it as a part-time job with the benefit of health insurance.

There are already laws against bribery or enriching oneself while in office. An honest person will honestly fill out the form. Someone who is dishonest will still cheat and just lie on this form also. Before voting on any issue, officeholders must already recuse themselves if there is a conflict as spelled out in statute.

Term limits…yes! Public salaries and benefits should be substituted for a stipend. And a no to Form 6.



Thomas F Campenni
Martin County Moments

Currently lives in Stuart Florida and former City Commissioner. His career has been as a commercial real estate owner, broker and manager in New York City.