Why is it smart to know what to build before you build it? Why User Experience and Concept Development is important.

Martin Ibsen
Martin Ibsen
2 min readFeb 23, 2018


User Experience and concept development sounds like many buzzwords, but both elements are important and very practical methods in a good digital product development. But why is it really important and what do we really mean when we talk about User Experience and Concept Development?

Often, a User Experience and Concept Progress precedes the commencement of design and programming of, for example, a new website or a new digital product — and that is for good reason. For concept development, it is quite low practice to define what needs to be built before building it. And in a User Experience process, it is about defining solutions that create optimal value and the best user experience for your customers. In short, it’s about defining and investigating what needs to be built before you build it and how to build it so it creates optimal value for your customers.

So why is it smart to know what to build and how it should be built before you get started?

1: It’s expensive to change direction if you hit wrong. We know how expensive it may be to change direction when in production. So if you have tested and made prototypes before production, you are more sure that the production goes smoothly and without great surprises.

2: You get an early assessment and justification of your concepts and ideas. In a concept phase, you can get the best ideas forward and choose which directions are optimal in terms of your business, your user needs, and whether it is still technologically possible. It gives you a much better overview, and enables you to create the best digital products.

3: It makes it possible to create a product that has maximum value for your users. Using prototypes, wireframes and visual tests in a concept and UX process, you can feel and test with your users what works best. You can get a feel and knowledge of what your users are asking for through a concept and UX course. Put your users at the center and empathize for their needs and wishes.

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Martin Ibsen
Martin Ibsen

Design & UX Director at Syndicate and author of “De Nye Fans” www.martinibsen.dk