Coordinator Layout: Image from Webkul

Android Design - Coordinator Layout #2: Creating Custom Behaviors

Martin Ombura Jr.
Published in
5 min readJan 20, 2018


So in the previous article we learnt about what the Coordinator Layout does, and how it facilitates interactions between its nested views. In this article, we shall create a very simple Behavior.

Our Behavior shall do the following: When a Snackbar appears, it shall light up a custom ToggleButton we created. This is a very simple example that will form the groundwork for more complex Behaviors you can implement later on. I shall take you through every step, even the actually very simple creation of our custom ToggleButton.

There are 4 simple steps when it comes to creating Behaviors:
1. Create a Custom View (Optional).
2. Create the Behavior.
3. Override methods in the Behavior Class.
4. Piece everything together.

1. Create a Custom View (Optional)

To start off we need to create a custom view. Now you’re probably thinking this is such a long and perhaps difficult step! Well it can be, but for this simple example we shall just extend an existing view, a simple toggle button for that matter. We shall creatively call our new viewCustomToggleButton as it will extend from a ToggleButton. In our new class we shall annotate it with…

