Joan Jett at JDRF Promise Ball

Martin Ruiz
Martin Ruiz
Published in
2 min readNov 16, 2012


Joan Jett performed tonight for charity at the JDRF Promise Ball in NYC. It was a great turnout for a good cause and Joan Jett was insanely good.

True Story So I’m coming back from the JDRF Promise Ball… I’m scrambling, a metrocard short when one of the Blackhearts passes by. I make small talk, tell him how he and Joan Jett were awesome. Then he says, “Dude, you need a swipe?”. “Yeah”, I say. He swipes… “Insufficient Funds” #onlyinnyc



Martin Ruiz
Martin Ruiz

A Random Walker... Wall Street Tech Guy, Tinkerer, Dad and a few other things