Marvel Retold: X-Men, Part Four

Akela Talamasca
Published in
3 min readMay 15, 2019
Scott Summers and Jack Winters, a match made in heaven

Jack Winters: Take ‘im out, Scotty!

Scott Summers [hands on glasses]: I’m doing it!

Jack: Right now!

Scott: You got it!


Scott: Don’t get any on you!

Jack: …

Scott: …

Professor X: Is this happening?

Jack: Kid, what —

Scott: I CAN’T! I can’t do it! It would kill him!

Jack: That’s kinda the —

Scott: He’s already in a WHEELCHAIR!

Jack: Then he’s an easy target! What the hell’s the problem?

Scott: Jack, I… I don’t want to hurt people!

Jack: … wha’d you say?

Scott: I’m sorry! I just… it’s not right! I’m not a bully… I just want… I just want you to LOVE ME, DAD

Jack: Holy hell, I didn’t abandon my REAL son just to be sidelined by some whiny little PUNK who won’t even blast a crippled BALD guy with his EYE LASERS!

Prof X: I’m so glad I lived long enough to hear that sentence.

Scott: Jack —

Jack: Hell with ya! I’ll do it myself!

[Jack reaches toward Xavier, hands clawed. With a ZARK, his hands are violently knocked to one side and he stumbles to his knees]

Scott: I can’t let you do that, Da — I mean, Jack.

Jack: You call yourself my son? You ain’t my son!

Scott: C’mon, you don’t mean that!

Jack [gets to his feet]: Just remember this later, when I’m KING of this city! You had your chance, kid!

[Jack teleports out]

Scott: Jack, wait! They don’t have kings here! You’d be Emperor!

Prof X [puts a hand on Scott’s arm]: I know that couldn’t have been easy, but you did the right thing. I’m proud of you.

Scott: You… you are?

Prof X: Yes, I am. You’re a good man, Scott, and I’d be proud to take you on as my first student.

[sizzling sound]

Prof X: Do NOT call me “Daddy”, “Dad”, or “Papa”. You may refer to me as “Professor Xavier”, or simply “Professor”.

Scott [sniffling, smiling]: Yes, Professor. What now?

Prof X: Well apparently our man Jack is a teleporter with the ability to shield his mind from me. Presumably, he’s gone to complete his transformation to a completely diamond-based form. Did he tell you where he was going to do this?

Scott: Well, he said we were going to the Mint, but that was to give me a trial run as his ‘helper’ and get some money in the exchange. There’s only one place in the city that houses a cyclotron, and that’s at the research labs just East of here.

Prof X: How do you know that, Scott?

Scott: I’m a big fan of science, sir.

Prof X: Well done, lad, well done. Can you drive us over there? I hope we’re not too late.

Scott: How’d you get over here in the first place?

Prof X [sighs]: I’m the world’s most powerful mutant mind, Scott.

Scott: That doesn’t —





Akela Talamasca

Twitter's spirit animal. Dog genius. Cautiously pessimistic. My headstone will read: Pretending to be normal was exhausting.