Marvel Retold: X-Men, Part One

Akela Talamasca
Published in
4 min readMay 9, 2019
Charles Xavier and Moira MacTaggert

Professor Charles Xavier: Moira, I have this amazing mutant brain that lets me control the very minds of the populace.

Moira MacTaggert: Uh-huh.

Prof X: I have a large inheritance provided me by the deaths of my parents.

Moira: Right.

Prof X: And I have a huge mansion, empty but for myself and Viscount Squeak, my hamster.

Moira: … sure.

Prof X: I feel that I should be doing more with my time, but for the life of me, I can’t figure it out.

[a bat crashes in through the window]

Prof X: Good lord, Moira! That’s it! I shall become… a GLASSBLOWER!

Moira: …uh.

Prof X: …

Moira: [sips tea]

Prof X: Right, how about I just open a school for mutants instead?

Moira: Do… you have any experience teaching?

Prof X: Oh, sure. I’ve taught Viscount Squeak to sit up, to roll over, sing, etc.

Moira: No, I mean people.

Prof X: Squeak IS people, Moira. That’s hurtful to his self-esteem. He can probably hear you.

Moira: YOU’RE the greatest mutant mind on Earth? Och, this school’s finished before it’s begun. I mean HUMANS, Charles.

Prof X: No, I just SAID, it’s a school for MUTANTS. For a doctor, you’re not a good listener.

Moira: I’m not that KIND of — Charles. Have you taught HUMANOIDS before.

Prof X: Well, no, but honestly I can just put knowledge into people’s minds with my brain. It’s a gift. Hey, that’s what I’ll call the school! “Xavier’s School For Gifted Youngsters”!

Moira: I mean… it’s not a bad idea. There have to be hundreds of mutants out there who feel like they’re all alone… who feel like they’re freaks, and no one can help them.

Prof X: Right! I wish there had been someone to help me when I was learning to control my telepathy. Would have avoided a lot of trouble.

Moira: What do you mean?

Prof X: Let me just show you.

Moira: No, I hate it when you —

[images flow into Moira’s mind]

Young Charles Xavier: Hey, lookit me, I’m Chas X! I can walk, I gotta full head o’ hair, and I’m totally not a mutant! Life’s good, y’all!

[goes to the county fair]

YCX: Gosharootie, I don’t know what to do first! I really want a deep-fried Snickers bar…

Everyone in a thousand-foot radius: I REALLY WANT A DEEP-FRIED SNICKERS BAR

[the concession stand is mobbed, people gorge themselves upon deep-fried Snickers bars]

YCX: Dang, the line is terrible. Maybe I’ll get me some elephant ears instead.


[elephant ears cart is overturned; all edible matter rapidly consumed]

YCX: Jeezy creezy, what’s with the crowds today? Hell widdit, I’m’o guzzle some Pepsi-flavored Coke!

Everyone: IBID

[every soft drink in the area swiftly disappears into gullets]

YCX: Dagnabbit! FINE, I’ll just ride the craziest ride I can find!


[every human climbs aboard the already-in-motion Human Cuisinart, massive injury count sustains, copious vomiting ensues]

YCX: … egad.

[Moira snaps out of it, visibly shaken]

Moira: I can never go to the fair again.

Prof X: If I can help just one young mutant from enduring the same fate I did, then it’s my duty to do so.

Moira: You didn’t endure anything! That whole thing was your fault!

Prof X: I paid $25 and didn’t get to ride or eat anything. You think I didn’t SUFFER?

Moira: Fine, open a school. At least it’ll keep you from destroying human lives. Presumably.

Prof X: The question is: how will I find them?

Moira: Didn’t you tell me once that you can sense the presence of other mutants?

Prof X: Yes, but my range is pretty limited. I have to be within about 50 feet to get a good fix.

Moira: So you need some kind of… mental amplifier. I bet Hank Pym could help with that, if you paid him.

Prof X: Hank who?

Moira: Scientist bloke I met once at a conference. He was doing some amazing work with insects, as I recall. He’d be happy to take a look; it’s hard for him to secure funding for playing with ants.

Prof X: Fantastic! Then all I need is a name for my new, mutant-seeking device. Hmm… something catchy… how do you go about finding things?

Moira: Well, I just ask Siri, bro.





Akela Talamasca

Twitter's spirit animal. Dog genius. Cautiously pessimistic. My headstone will read: Pretending to be normal was exhausting.