Age of the Allosaurus

Emma Lilley
Marvelous Mesozoic Time Machine
3 min readMar 6, 2024
Image credit: Kaek on DeviantArt

Step into the Marvelous Mesozoic Time Machine as we travel back to the United States in the Late Jurassic period approx. 145–155 million years ago.

We’ll need supplemental oxygen packs because the oxygen is less than 15 percent as opposed to the modern day 21 percent. The sun is shining and it’s warm out. We take a look around at the colorful, larger than normal plants and flowers.

The ground begins to shake and a loud roar echoes through trees. Two large dinosaurs step out into the open. Here we run into an apex predator of the Jurassic, *Allosaurus Fragilis.

*The name Allosaurus Fragilis means “Different lizard

Weighing in at two tons, this freight train car sized dinosaur is massive. Our new friends measure at around 16.5 feet tall and 38 feet long. Really, I hope you peed before we left.

Image credit: Randomdinos on DeviantArt

Allosaurus is the most common species of carnivorous theropod dinosaur from the Jurassic period. It’s a good thing we’re surrounded by an invisible protective forcefield, because at 21MPH there’s no way we’re outrunning these guys. That’s three to four times faster than you in your prime on a good day.

The Allosaurus’ approach us, sniffing the air. They often hunt in packs. Stop shaking, we’ll be fine. With that, the larger Allosaurus puts you in its mouth, chomping down but unable to actually hurt you.

While you’re in his jaws you get a close look at his four inch long teeth. In between panicky breaths of what smells like rotting meat air, you notice that his teeth are curved back and have jagged edges. This helps him grab and hold onto around 100LBS of meat at a time, then shred it to pieces. They loose interest after a few minutes and spit you out.

Let’s follow them as the two disappointed dinos go find some real prey. With that the Allosaurus take off in a run, and we watch as the smaller of our friends takes a rough face-dive.

Usually their four toes keep them balanced. However, the Allosaurus species is prone to getting to excited while running and often fell over. Skeletons of Allosaurus commonly have broken bones from these falls. A fatal flaw. He gets back up, luckily for him unharmed, and sheepishly resumes his journey.

We watch as these amazing hunters square up with a large stegosaurus. She swings her mighty tail at the smaller Allosaurus, the impact knocks him to the side so hard can hear ribs crack. He’s having a rough day.

The larger of the pack jumps onto her, biting down on her neck with his teeth. He has crushed her trachea and with a loud painful roar her fight comes to an end.

They tear her body to shreds, leaving scraps for scavengers to later find. Again, be thankful for our protective forcefield.

With that it’s time to take The Marvelous Mesozoic Time Machine home. Thank you for joining me today, come again!


The known facts on dinosaurs update all the time. We learn new things, old ideas get challenged, scientists will continue to debate and update our knowledge based on evidence. I try to keep up and keep my information as accurate as possible and I apologize if anything in here isn’t 100% accurate. The fact is, it’s hard to know anything for sure with a species that’s been dead for millions of. years.



Emma Lilley
Marvelous Mesozoic Time Machine

Hi, I’m Emma. Somehow you’ve stumbled upon my page, why not stay and enjoy some short stories?