Mama to the Rescue

A Mother’s Love 🕊

In 1996, a stray cat named Scarlett saved her litter of 5 in a famously striking act of maternal love.

Marvels of the Past
4 min readJun 21, 2020


With smoke billowing into the sky and flames spitting out from the building, New York firefighters working on getting it under control come across an extraordinary sight.

On March 30, 1996, the New York Fire Department arrived on the scene of a fire that broke out in an abandoned garage, which was allegedly being used as a crack house in Brooklyn, New York. After getting the blaze under control, a stray female cat was observed by one of the firefighters, David Ginnaelli, carrying her kittens away from the burning garage one by one. Despite the apparent danger and getting injured for it, the cat was noticeably determined to save her babies. For her heroic efforts, the mother cat’s coat was singed, the fur on her face burnt off, her paws and ears badly burned and her eyes blistered shut. But her babies were okay. Even more remarkable, as soon as she got her fifth kitten out safely, the mother cat was observed touching each kitten with her nose as if to check that they were all there (she couldn’t see at the time). As soon as all her kittens were accounted for, she collapsed and lost consciousness, after which Giannelli took the mother cat and her kittens to a…



Marvels of the Past

Writer of true crime, unsolved mysteries, and marvels of history. Lover of movies, books, cats, and anime.