Kyle Kim
MarX Project
Published in
3 min readAug 11, 2021


IR Event(AMA) with CryptoLand

1. IR Activity Type


2. Applicable Date(s)

2021–07–19 21:00~2021–07–19 22:30

3. Events


4. Purpose

An AMA was held to introduce the MarX Project to global users and to promote the ongoing ‘NFT Purchase Promotion Airdrop Event’.

A variety of global users participated, and for over an hour, they shared the introduction of the MarX Project and the contents of its current business. On the official SNS channel, about 2,000 questions were poured out, and it was conducted in the form of answering the mainly mentioned contents.

We will continue to create frequent communication opportunities with customers to introduce the MarX Project, and continue to be with customers as participants and users in the healthy token economy ecosystem that MarX will create.

Hundreds of questions were asked in the AMA, and representative questions and answers are as follows.

Q. Can I buy your tokens right now and also which wallet support your token?

A. Yeah Of course! We listed on Liquid, Probit Global, and Probit Korea. In addition, we have a plan for listing on other exchanges! Also if you want to buy product in MarX NFT Marketplace with zero gas fee, you can buy our tokens and swap it to MRC base tokens. It sounds difficult, but it would not be too hard like that.

Q. NFTs are undeniably a big deal in the blockchain space right now. There are an increasing number of NFTs being created across a broad range of platforms like music, art, gaming and collectibles. So how does MarX_ Project differrents from the #NFT collectibles ?

A. First of all, we utilize MRC technology to minimize gas fee of transaction. And we are trying to combine NFT in Metaverse and Real World on our own ecosystem. If it starts, the effect will be increased incredibly.

Q. Can you give me the best 3 features to converge me and other investors to invest in your project in the long term?

A. First of all, we are ready for token economy on our real business.

Furthermore, we connected buyer and seller directly, so that we terminate brokerage fee and also improve value of transactions and products

Lastly, we are heading to Metaverse token economy where people can live comfortable and enjoy to see value as value itself.

Q. NFT is getting more popular now a days. It looks NFT has bright future. So do you guies have any plan to include NFT to your project?

A. We will make our ecosystem with many types of NFT. There are kinds of coupon-type, ticket-type and also used in marketplace! And our final goal is to make them inter-connect each NFTs.

Q. What is your strongest advantage that you think will make your team leading the market? In contrast, what is your weakness? How do you plan to overcome it?

A. The first of our strongest advantage is our partners. They are leading with their business in their area. And we are confident that we have great idea to make fair world.

Other details can be found in the official Telegram chat room (

5. Details


MarX <> CryptoLand AMA

Date and time

Monday, 19 JUL 2021 21:00–22:30 (KST)


21:00–21:30: Introduction Segment, proceeded in CryptoLand Telegram Group Chatroom

21:30–22:00: Twitter Segment, proceeded in CryptoLand Telegram Group Chatroom with questions from Twitter

22:00–22:30: Live Segment, proceeded in MarX Project Telegram Group Chatroom

