IR Event(AMA) with CryptoLeague

Kyle Kim
MarX Project
Published in
3 min readAug 11, 2021

1. IR Activity Type


2. Applicable Date(s)

2021–08–05 22:00~2021–08–06 02:00

3. Events


4. Purpose

A variety of global users participated, and for over an hour, they shared the introduction of the MarX Project and the contents of its current business. On the official SNS channel, about 2,000 questions were poured out, and it was conducted in the form of answering the mainly mentioned contents.

We will continue to create frequent communication opportunities with customers to introduce the MarX Project, and continue to be with customers as participants and users in the healthy token economy ecosystem that MarX will create.

Hundreds of questions were asked in the AMA, and representative questions and answers are as follows.

Q1) What is the Strongest feature of MarX which you think makes your token $MarX stand out from your Competitors?

A1)As you know, there are already many NFT Marketplaces, and most of them require much of gas fee for transaction. We made our own on-chain NFT marketplace. Also, we used MRC technology from INBLOCK corp, which utilized IBM’s Hyperledger Fabric technology, so that we made brokerage fee(gas fee) to zero.

To summarize, we made our own on-chain NFT Marketplace and also made gas fee 0.

Q2) Partnerships are extremely important for any project to grow and shine in the sky! So can you tell us some of your recent partnerships and also how do you plan to make it better?

A2)As you can see in our website, we are collaborating with many partners. They are professional and leading group in their area. They help us and also advise us to make our own products and devise MarX Ecosystem. They fill our missing parts. Furthermore, it is honor to collaborate with CryptoLeague this moment.

Q3)Can you please tell us the story behind your project name? How did you get inspired to build your project? How do you think this name will affect people? Has it brought any luck so far?

A3)We got inspired from young Marx. We know it can be controversial for political points, but our focus was not that, just one of his mention. He said money is not a criteria for dividing wealth. Money is just means of exchange, just product of commodity economy. That’s Karl Marx’s monetary theory. That stole our hearts, and we chose it for our name.

Q4)Is #MarX still the right place for an artist who doesn’t have a huge fan base and doesn’t have a lot of popularity like me? Can I join your platform and share my art with the world through it? What characteristics must an artist meet in order to do that?

A4)Actually our first NFT Marketplace will be managed by SEOUL13. If any artists contact to SEOUL13, they can register their works. But we know it’s type of CeFi NFT Marketplace. And we are designing the next NFT Marketplace. CeFI place and DeFi place will co-exist there. We plan to raise up new artists, and also collaborate with many galleries. We will make metaverse art gallery. That’s the fact that new artists will like to display in here!

Q5)Can you list 1–3 killer features of Your Project that makes it ahead of its competitors? What is the competitive advantage your platform has that you feel most confident about?

A5)The current form of MarX NFT Marketplace is Ce-Fi as you can see. But we have a plan to make marketplace to have both of CeFi and DeFi features. Any artists can participate in CeFI sector and some of institutions and galleries will participate to DeFi sector. Except marketplace, our ecosystem will be take shape of DeFi. That’s the reason why we utilize MRC Technology to minimize gas fee. Gas fee is one of the biggest problems in DeFi.

Also, we have some ideas which can help our vision to connect various chains and platforms. That’s the reason why we try to use BSN platform 🙂

5. Details


MarX <> CryptoLeague AMA

Date and time

Thursday, 5 AUG 2021 22:00– Friday, 6 AUG 2021 02:00 (KST)


22:00–23:30: Introduction Segment, proceeded in CryptoLand Telegram Group Chatroom

23:30–00:30: Twitter Segment, proceeded in CryptoLand Telegram Group Chatroom with questions from Twitter

00:30–02:00: Live Segment, proceeded in MarX Project Telegram Group Chatroom

