
Marina Vorontsova
Published in
Nov 10, 2020

How dost thou cover the ulcerous place
what unctions, potions, magic dost thou use
to skin unseen
and film the filthy memories of youth?
what dost though use
to ope thy soul, repent, forgive,
forget misgivings
that oft bereft thy spirit
of blithe?
virtue or vice? or both combined?
by acting fair? loving boldly?
restraining madness? living purer?
or abstinence and loving coldly
at a distance?
what dost thou use to keep thyself
at peace and bay with godly creatures?
efface thyself? confess thy spirit
to a glutton preacher who feeds
on earthly shells and weeds of sin?
those are the questions left unanswered
and scarcely seen by those liketh thee.



Marina Vorontsova

I am a copywriter: I like reading and writing stories, above-average copy, and delightfully inferior poetry.