DrupalCon Barcelona: call for sessions

Invitation to submit sessions on Front-end and Business & Strategy tracks

Peter Vanhee
2 min readJun 2, 2015


Europe is again getting ready for the DrupalCon, the annual gathering of Drupal dev and business in Europe. This year we are playing a home game since the conference will be held in Barcelona!

We are helping out with the program and would like to invite you to submit sessions for the Front-end and Business and Strategy tracks. The deadline for proposal submission is 8 June midnight CEST, so don’t hesitate further and submit a session!

Front end track

Our own João Belchior is the front-end track chair. He is looking for sessions that inspire and excite front end developers to share their stories, from their favourite tools and frameworks to topics like typography or solving new design problems.

Read more in Front end branches out to inspire and excite.

Business & Strategy track

Together with Dagmar Muth from Amazee Labs, I will be helping out with the Business & Strategy track. We are looking for sessions on business diversification, growth, processes and resource planning, but also on company & team culture, distributed teams or digital nomads. The track is aimed at attendees looking for ideas and challenges from business owners, executives and project managers on how to manage a Drupal business in a successful way.

Read more in Talking Business and Strategy in Barcelona.

How do I propose a session?

  • The call for proposals closes on 8 June midnight CEST.
  • Decide on a topic. If you’re not sure how to structure your submission, check out these tips on how to get your session selected.
  • Submit your session on the event site. That’s it!

Any more questions? Don’t hesitate to reach out to me or João for help or advice!

Originally published at marzeelabs.org on June 2, 2015.



Peter Vanhee
Editor for

Passionate technologist. Founder and director @marzeelabs @weareserverless. ex-head of technology @comicrelief