An Overview of MASA Token Economics

Introducing the native utility token powering Masa, the world’s personal data network

5 min readFeb 21, 2024


Introducing Masa

Masa is the World’s Largest Decentralized Personal Data Network. At Masa, we shift the power of data back to users, empowering users to own, share, and earn from their data.

Today’s personal data — from browsing history to Twitter messages — is locked up in walled gardens controlled by big tech. Your personal data is resold without consent or compensation. This data landgrab is accelerated by the proliferation of AI, as personal data is consumed in vast amounts to train AI models and agents.

With Masa, your data pays you. Anyone with an internet connection will be able to contribute their data and earn passive rewards. Users decide what data to share and with whom. Developers utilize Masa Network’s data to build innovative apps, train AIs, power decentralized advertising, and more. This is all done privately and securely with Masa’s invention of Zero-Knowledge Soulbound Tokens (zkSBTs).

In just over a year, more than 1.2 million user wallets have actively contributed over 23 million proprietary data points to the Masa Network. Over 70 leading businesses and developers have utilized Masa Network’s data. The Masa Network is built on a dedicated Avalanche Subnet, which empowers developers to access and verify high volumes of zero-knowledge encrypted data, at a massive scale and low cost.

Welcome to the new data economy.

The Masa Community Sale on CoinList

Masa is beyond excited to announce our community token sale on CoinList. The Masa Community Sale will take place on Thursday, March 7, 2024 at 16:00 UTC.

>>> Register here for the community sale on CoinList

Registration ends on Monday, March 4, 2024 at 12:00 UTC.

Important Note: When you register on CoinList, please make sure to use the same email and/or wallet you’ve used to register for the Masa newsletter or to participate in the Masa Airdrop Quest or other Masa campaigns.

Masa is joining the ranks of the many prestigious projects who have hosted their community token sale on CoinList, including Solana, Filecoin, Algorand, Near, ImmutableX and many others.

CoinList continues to be the gold-standard platform where the best crypto projects launch. They have a phenomenal track record of selecting promising projects, with strong foundational criteria of innovative technology, strong community and established growth. Many of the leading projects in today’s cryptocurrency market got their jumpstart on CoinList.

We’re honored to have met their high-standard of requirements and criteria, and to be hosting our community sale on CoinList.

Key Dates

  • Monday, March 4, 2024 at 12:00 UTC: CoinList Community Sale registration ends
  • Thursday, March 7, 2024 at 16:00 UTC: CoinList Community Sale
  • On or around Thursday April 11, 2024: Centralized exchange listing

The Masa Token

MASA is the native utility and governance token powering the Masa Network, and a gas token on the Masa Avalanche Subnet. MASA operates as a standard ERC20 token on Ethereum Mainnet. MASA will be accessible on the BNB Smart Chain at launch, and will be expanded onto Avalanche, Polygon, Base, Celo and more.

In the data market, users earn MASA rewards when their data is used. Businesses and developers pay fees to access data and services on the Masa network. Fees are collected in MASA, stablecoins, and other blockchain-native tokens, then converted to MASA. MASA tokens are distributed to the users who supply the data, node operators who operate the Masa Oracle, and the foundation treasury for ecosystem growth.

Masa Token Utility

Incentivizing data supply: Masa incentivizes users for contributing personal data to the Masa Network. Users earn passive rewards in MASA when their data is used by businesses and developers.

Paying for data use: Businesses and developers pay fees to access and utilize the data, products, and services on the Masa network. Fees can be paid in MASA tokens, stablecoins, and other blockchain-native tokens. All non-MASA-denominated fees are subsequently swapped to MASA tokens, with a portion burned.

Managing personal data: Users pay MASA gas fees on the Masa Avalanche Subnet to mint and manage their zkSBT, an encrypted personal data locker, with a portion of gas fees burned.

Rewarding node operators: Masa Oracle node operators stake MASA to operate Masa’s zk-oracle nodes. Node operators receive staking rewards for the first two years of network operation. Staked tokens are locked for a vesting period.

Governing the network: MASA holders can participate in network governance, voting on proposals like technical upgrades, fee structures, and others.

Token Release Schedule

Traction & Ecosystem

As a data network, Masa Network’s north star metrics are as follows:

  • Number of proprietary data points in the Masa Network
  • Number of unique wallets that contributed data to the Masa Network
  • Number of projects that have utilized data in the Masa Network

Since launching in August 2022, Masa Network has rapidly amassed over 1.2M unique wallets actively contributing 23M proprietary data points. You can follow Masa’s real-time growth on Masa’s Dune Dashboard:

The Masa Ecosystem

Wallet Traction

Data Points Traction

Masa Roadmap

In Conclusion

Masa has been building and growing aggressively for over 2-years, and we’re excited to finally debut our Masa Token with the release of the Masa Network. At Masa, we’ve demonstrated our ability to gain massive traction through the growth of personal user data supplied to our network. We’ve also demonstrated our ability to fulfill the demand, with 70+ projects having utilized our data products, and many more in the pipeline.

At the heart of all of this, is our Masa Token. A true utility token which will incentivize users, drive exponential adoption, and power the future of our data marketplace. Welcome to the new data economy.

Be a part of the Masa Community 👨‍🚀

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The decentralized network for Fair AI, where you earn by contributing data. Build anything, anywhere with the world's data.