Early Access Waitlist is Open for Web3’s First Soulbound Identity DevNet

Published in
3 min readOct 4, 2022

On August 12, 2022, Masa launched Masa Soulbound Identity, web3’s first Soulbound Token identity protocol. Masa Soulbound Identity empowers users from around the globe to claim their unique .soul name (like an ENS domain name), mint a Soulbound Token (SBT) which represents their digital identity, and mint a decentralized credit score which represents their on-chain financial identity.

Masa Soulbound Identity’s testnet launch captured the community’s curiosity. Within the 30 days, 17,000+ SBTs were minted. You can read more about our learnings from the testnet launch here.

Introducing Web3’s First Soulbound Identity DevNet

Since our testnet launch, we have felt an overwhelming amount of enthusiasm from our developer community. More than 650 developers have signed up to build with Masa.

Today, we are thrilled to introduce an early access waitlist for Masa DevNet. Masa DevNet empowers developers to deploy SBT smart contracts that soul links to a Masa Soulbound Identity; mint, burn, and request data via ZK private transaction layer — all through a simple SDK or API interface.

Leveraging Masa Soulbound Identity, you can build a range of use cases:

  • .Soul Name (ENS for Soulbound Identity)
  • Decentralized Credit Score
  • Soulbound Token Single Sign-On
  • Soulbound Airdrops
  • One-Click NFT Whitelist Registration
  • Web3 KYC and ID Verification
  • Proof-of-Participation
  • Web3 Reputation
  • GameFi
  • Proof-of-identity for DAO governance voting

…or any other project you are working on!

To ensure a great developer experience with Masa, we will review and select developers gradually over time. Exciting rewards await selected projects: Masa token rewards, developer documentation first looks, and many more. Get on the waitlist to get invited to Masa’s incentivized DevNet and be the first to launch soulbound tokens in web3.

Why Soulbound Token

Soulbound Tokens are non-transferrable, non-fungible tokens that include nuanced, socially programmable privacy parameters that can serve as a web3 user’s identity.

At Masa, we are pioneering Masa Soulbound Identity to power a range of use cases, such as identity, lending, and single sign-on. Soulbound identity holders can link and share data publicly using any EVM-compatible chain or privately through Masa’s Proof-of-Stake ZK private transaction blockchain. Once deployed on mainnet, Masa Finance will become the first platform to offer a soulbound structure on any EVM-compatible chains.

A web3 identity protocol needs to be aligned with web3’s ethos: you own your identity. That is why we decided to build a highly flexible Zero-Knowledge layer. The entire soulbound data structure or parts of it can be shared privately to a counterparty and under programmable conditions agreed by both parties. This sharing can be ephemeral or permanent.

Fundamentally, Masa’s Soulbound Tokens differ from blockchain-based identity certificates such as decentralized identifiers (“DIDs”) and verifiable credentials (“VCs”) by one critical aspect: composability. Masa’s SBTs achieve composability with web3 smart contracts for correct execution of code, privacy, coercion resistance, and censorship resistance.

How to Get On the Waitlist?

Waitlist Registration: Secure a spot on Masa DevNet waitlist now. Stay tuned for project selection, token rewards, developer documentation sneak peaks, and more!

Join Our Community: In the meantime, join thousands of developers and community members around the world on Masa Discord. We share product launches, program updates, and dank memes frequently.

With Gratitude,

The Masa Team 🌽

You can reach us on the following channels:

Website | Discord | Telegram | Twitter



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