Introducing Developer Documentation for the Masa Protocol

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3 min readMay 3, 2023

Build web3 communities with Masa’s identity infrastructure using a low-code developer toolkit

We are excited to announce the release of our second version of the developer documentation for the Masa Protocol. Our documentation has detailed guides to help you harness the full power of Masa Protocol as the identity and growth infrastructure for your web3 community.

These guides cover the various use cases of Masa Identity Infrastructure, such as acquiring users, gamifying community engagement, identifying power users, and eliminating bots in an airdrop using Masa SBTs.

Check out our quickstart guides below, as well as detailed guides for our CLI, SDK, front-end SDK (Masa React), and back-end SDK (Masa Express).


Soulbound Achievement Badges: Learn how to use non-transferable, soulbound achievement badges to track and reward individual achievements in your community. This guide covers the steps for launching an Achievement SBT using the Masa SDK and CLI.

Soulbound Membership Badges: This guide will help you set up a membership program and gamify member engagement using non-transferable, soulbound badges. It covers the steps for creating a membership program that grants perks, access to exclusive offers, and souldrops to long-standing community members.

Bot Killer: Discover how Masa Green can help you eliminate bots. Our Masa Green SBT verifies that a user is not a bot using two-factor authentication. This section explores the implementation of Masa Green SBT for creating bot-proof allowlists, airdrop distributions, and governance voting.

Displaying SBTs: Create a visually appealing gallery-like view of your SBTs using masa-react. This section provides guidance on using the Masa React Sample Application as a boilerplate.

Custom Soulnames: Create custom soulnames, human-readable pseudonymous usernames that resolve to a user’s wallet, to drive virality and incentivize community affinity. Learn how soulnames are tradable, based on ERC-721, and compatible with the Masa SoulLinker to resolve addresses and link to SBT identifiers such as Achievement Badges and Masa Green SBTs.

Resolving Soulnames: Learn how to integrate domain resolving of .soul, .celo, and .base names for access to over 300,000+ unique wallets on Ethereum and Celo mainnets, and Base blockchain testnet.

Masa Express: Masa Express is a backend Library to bootstrap the development of Authority backends for creating signatures required to mint SBTs.

Masa React: Masa React is a frontend Library to bootstrap the development of frontends that can display and interact with SBTs.

We love feedback

Our developer documentation is designed to provide you with the necessary knowledge and tools to successfully leverage Masa Identity Infrastructure in your web3 projects. We believe that these guides will empower you to create innovative solutions that leverage the power of Masa Protocol.

We are committed to continuously improving and expanding our documentation to address your needs. We encourage you to explore these guides and share your feedback with us — you can submit a pull request in our dev docs repo here — feel free to contribute your updates or suggestions. We also welcome you to participate in our bug bounty here. Together, we can build a more secure, connected, and inclusive web3 ecosystem.

Join the Masa Discord server #developers channel to ask questions and share feedback.

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