Introducing Masa Developer Tools & Testnet Updates

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4 min readDec 6, 2022

Masa Mainnet is now live! Mint your .Soul name and credit score today

Dear Masa Community,

It has been a busy couple of months leading up to our mainnet launch of Masa’s Soulbound Identity Protocol.

Since launching the Masa Soulbound Identity Protocol Testnet around three months ago, we have seen incredible demand from the community. We have had over 200,000 Masa Identity (MID) mints across all testnet versions, of which over 160,000 mints have been from the last two weeks when we launched v0.4.2 of the testnet. You can track the current version of the testnet here.

Introducing Masa Developer Tools

Masa is the world’s first Soulbound Token (SBT) Identity Protocol. SBTs are publicly visible, non-transferable, non-fungible tokens that can serve as a web3 user’s identity. We use SBTs to represent users’ attributes in web3 and in the real world, along with a protocol-level abstraction that enables the full management of SBTs and the data attributed to them.

By creating an identity management layer that enables a plurality of SBTs, individuals can build a web3 identity incrementally and unlock a series of utilities, such as credit, KYC, 2FA, and more. Masa enables the full vision laid out by Vitalik Buterin et al. in the paper Decentralized Society: Finding Web3’s Soul.

At Masa, we want to power web3 developers to mint SBTs and interact with the Masa Protocol easily. Today, we are introducing Masa Developer Tools: CLI, SDK, Masa-react, and Masa-example. Any developer will be able to easily mint the following Masa SBTs:

  • Masa Soul Name (MSN): A human-readable address — a domain name — that resolves to a person’s soul — think ENS for SBTs.
  • Masa Identity SBT (MID)​: The soul of a user’s identity in web3. All attributes of a user’s Soulbound Identity are linked and resolved through a user’s Masa Identity SBT.
  • Masa Web3 Credit Score SBT (MCR)​: A web3-native credit score computed from a user’s web3 activity on the Ethereum blockchain.
  • Masa Green (MG-X): A token that represents a human-verified challenge. For example: Masa Green-Phone (MG-P) verifies that the holder of the MG-P SBT is a unique user who has completed a 2FA authentication challenge with a unique phone number.

…and many more to come soon.

Want to connect with the Masa Team? Submit your project details here.

CLI: A command line interface for interacting with the Masa Protocol through the Masa SDK

SDK: An SDK for developers to use when implementing the Masa Protocol in their applications

Masa-react: A boilerplate react library that includes scopes that define specific action you wish a user to take in your front end; for example, the identity scope ensures that a user has a Masa Identity (MID). If the user does not have an MID then the scope will prompt the user to mint one.

Masa-example: A collection of examples and functions that can be run using the Masa SDK

Testnet v0.4.2 Updates

Masa Soulbound Identity Protocol Testnet v0.4.2 is the second to last release of the Masa Protocol before mainnet launch. You will notice some improvements and updates based on user feedback across the following parts of the tech stack:

Soulbound Web App

  • Optimization of login and authentication flow for Single-Sign-On with SBT (SBT SSO )
  • Added our native token $MASA and USDC payment methods with ETH
  • Toast notifications for pending and completed minting transaction
  • Credit score flow UI fixes and optimizations
  • Insufficient funds error handling
  • Responsive styling
  • Validation for soulname input field
  • Added faucet banner for Goerli ETH


  • Arweave integration for .soul Masa Soul Name (MSN) metadata storage
  • Image generation for soulnames
  • OpenSea integration and support updates
  • Twilio integration added for Masa Green 2FA SBT (MG-P)

Smart Contracts v0.4.2

  • Deploy SoulLinker contract
  • Update SoulStore from SoulFactory
  • Pay minting fees in USDC, ETH, MASA, wBTC, USDT
  • OpenSea royalty fees
  • Generate token URI with Arweave
  • Validate Arweave URIs when minting new SBTs
  • Add contractURI function to soulname
  • Add events to smart contracts
  • Cover all smart contracts with tests — 100%
  • Mint soulnames directly to an identity id, instead of an wallet address
  • When a SoulName is transferred, automatically update the Identity to which a Masa Soulname (MSN) is pointing

How can you get involved?

  • Want to build on Masa Soulbound Identity? Submit your project details here to connect with the Masa team
  • Join the Masa community on Discord, Telegram, and Twitter. Stay in the know of the rapid developments of Masa Protocol — we have major drops coming up in December 2022 👀



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