Masa Testnet 2.0 Update: Phase 1 Complete, Phase 2 Start

Published in
2 min readJun 3, 2022
Masa Testnet Node Block Explorer

The Masa incentivized testnet will run for around 6–8 months up to mainnet launch. For more information about the program please visit our developer documentation here.

Testnet 2.0: Phase 1

We are excited to announce that we will be issuing $CORN reward tokens to our 9,000 Testnet Node Operators 🚀! We appreciate the support and input all of our node operators have provided us over the past couple of months.

We’ve compiled the enodeID’s that were submitted from our node operators and we’ve received many that were in the incorrect format. For that reason, we have emailed those node operators and have asked them to submit their enodeID in the proper format by midnight PST on Thursday, June 9. If you were a node operator please be sure to check your email for a communication from us with instructions on how to locate and submit your enodeID to us. If you do not submit your enodeID by the deadline, we will not be able to issue your $CORN rewards.

Those node operators that submitted correctly will also get an 📧 email notifying you that you have qualified for the incentivized testnet.

Testnet 2.0: Phase 2

On June 1st, 2022 Phase 2 of the Masa Testnet will start. Node operators will not need to do anything different until we release version 3.0 Alpha of the testnet which will include enhancements to private transactions and staking functionality. We will announce the next release in due course.

You are, however, required to re-register using the following form here with the same email address you used for Phase 1 registration along with ensuring you submit the correct enodeID.

Use the following format:


Please note if your IP address changes it does not matter.

To get your enodeID please use the following commands in the geth console:

$ geth attach geth.ipc

> admin.nodeInfo.enode

> Result: “enode://xxx@”

If you need help please go to our Node Operators Discord channel here and our ambassadors and community will help you out 🤩.

Support us!

If you are an engineer or passionate about blockchain and access to credit, please check out our careers page here or email us at — we would love to hear from you!

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