Masa x Based Nouns: Mint your Noun-Bound-Token on Base Mainnet

The Base-Native NFT Collection and DAO Launches their Community Soulbound Token on Base

5 min readAug 21, 2023



We are thrilled to announce our partnership with Based Nouns and the launch of their community Soulbound Token, the Noun-Bound Token on Base Mainnet.

Based Nouns aims to redefine the NFT landscape and community engagement. Built on Base and for Base, Based Nouns is a project with many components, their curated distinctive NFT PFP collection, a BASED DAO ecosystem, where the web3 community comes to life, and their native $NOUN token powering it all.

The Based Nouns PFP collection is a unique NFT series of 10,000 distinctive pieces. Each NFT melds together iconic nouns style with a “base-blockchain” twist. These nouns hold cultural significance and evoke nostalgia, creating an immediate connection with collectors. The result is a captivating fusion of the familiar and the unconventional, appealing to a diverse audience.

At the heart of their NFT collection and community is the upcoming launch of the BASED DAO. Their DAO will be a vibrant ecosystem of community integrations and decision making. Get ready for engaging in voting opportunities and daily NFT auctions that bring value and interaction to the core of the Base Nouns community. These interactions are made possible by the $NOUN token, which facilitates access, participation, and governance, granting control to the community.

Masa and Based Nouns have teamed up to launch the Noun-Bound Token, a community SBT with real utility. Noun-Bound Token holders will be automatically whitelisted for their upcoming Based Nouns 10K PFP collection. Launch date is yet to be determined.

Additionally, Noun-Bound Token holders will also be eligible for the future $NOUN token airdrop. The Noun-Bound token is designed to provide exclusive benefits and rewards to its holders. To read more about the upcoming auction and airdrop stay up to date on the Based Nouns Twitter (X) account @basednouns.

Based Nouns is committed to elevating the bar of what is possible for NFTs, DAOs and community ownership. We’re thrilled to put the Based Nouns SBT, the Noun-Bound Token, in the hands of their fast-growing community, so everyone has an easy way to be rewarded. This is the true spirit of the Base blockchain ecosystem.

How to Mint your Noun–Bound Token SBT:

Claim your Noun-Bound Token, an exclusive SBT badge which acts not only as your community badge, but also gives holders access to the Based Noun NFT whitelist and future airdrop. Join the Based Nouns Discord community, get verified, and you’ll be eligible to mint your Noun Bound SBT on Base mainnet.

To mint your Noun Bound Token, there is a small fee payable in BaseETH. This fee has been set in place to prevent bots and ensure the integrity of the minting process. Mint your Soulbound Token for the reasonable price of $1 per mint, in addition to Base blockchain gas fees.

Step 1: Get BaseETH

  • Select ‘Bridge assets’
  • Confirm amount of Eth & deposit, don’t forget to confirm the transaction in your wallet
  • It can take up to 5 minutes for funds to bridge to Base. Make sure the transaction is confirmed in your wallet before proceeding.

Step 2: Connect Your Metamask Wallet to Base Camp

  • Visit Masa’s Base Camp App and connect your Metamask wallet:
  • You will be prompted to connect your wallet to the Base blockchain.

Step 3. Click the Based Noun: Noun-Bound Token Campaign

Step 4. Join Based Nouns Discord Community or verify your existing Discord membership

Step 5. Mint a limited edition Noun-Bound Token SBT

That’s it! Now that you minted your Based Noun SBT, help spread the word and share it on X (Twitter).

To view your SBT, go to the SBT Gallery. In the gallery you’ll be able to view the SBTs you’ve minted. Make sure your wallet is connected on the Base Mainnet to view your Noun-Bound Token SBT.

In Conclusion

At Masa, we are passionate about partnering with innovative projects at the forefront of decentralization, community empowerment, and radical inclusion. Based Nouns personifies this with its unique and community-driven approach to its NFTs collection and DAO. We love building SBTs with real utility, and getting these in the hands of community members who are along for the journey. We are thrilled to see what the future holds for this exciting project.

Follow @getmasafi & @basednouns for more exciting updates and special community offers.

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