Masa x Fearless Dog: The NFT Collection Powering Real-World Utility Goes Soulbound

The Fearless-Bound Token will power the Fearless Dog Whitelist & Giveaway

4 min readJul 20, 2023



At Masa we’re thrilled to announce our partnership with Fearless Dog. Fearless Dog is a unique NFT project that gives its holders lifetime membership to the Fearless sports centre and the mental health app, MyHeal.

Fearless sports centre is a sports centre building that can be rented by sports enthusiasts, especially futsal, basketball and badminton. Fearless Dog NFT holders will get priority access to the fearless sports centre including early booking and exclusive access to certain facilities and events. Fearless Dog invites you to be a supporter of the overall business model of Fearless sports centre and contribute to the growth of the business and community.

Aside from that, as mental health is wealth in 2023, taking care of your mental health is an essential component of living a thriving life. Fearless Dog invites you to be fearless when it comes to taking control of your mind and emotions. Their affiliated app, My Heal, gives users tools to help diffuse anxiety, stress, insomnia and more, using audio-guided journeys and hypnotism.

Masa and Fearless Dog have teamed up to launch their official Soulbound Token, the Fearless-Bound Token, a community commemorative badge with real-world utility and value.

Fearless-Bound Token minters will get a whitelist spot for their upcoming NFT drop, enter into a raffle for a free mint, discounts on merchandise, and access to special community events. Their sports centre is currently under construction while their affiliate app is currently available in Indonesian, with the English version launching soon.

We invite you to become absolutely fearless, by minting your Fearless Dog SBT, and join their web3 community of users committed to bettering themselves, their mental health and their lives.

How to Mint your Fearless Bound Token

Simply join the Fearless Dog Discord community to be eligible to mint your Fearless-Bound SBT on Base testnet. Your Fearless-bound SBT will serve as your community membership badge unlocking a whitelist spot for their upcoming NFT mint, a free NFT giveaway and more.

Step 1: Receive FREE Base Goerli Test ETH (you will need it to pay gas for .bu domain mint)

*Please Note* this network can experience long delays due to current demand

Step 2: Connect Your Metamask Wallet to the Base Goerli Testnet

  • A new window will pop up.
  • Now in the left sidebar click on “Networks”, a new window will appear. There you can see all the available Testnet networks that are available but not visible. If the Goerli Test Network does not appear you can search for the network.
  • Add the Goerli Test Network to your wallet

Step 3: Go to

  • Click on the Fearless Dog: Fearless-Bound Token campaign
  • When you logon, you will be prompted to Switch Network from Goerli Testnet to Base Goerli Testnet.

Step 4: Join the Fearless Dog Discord Community

Step 5. Mint your FREE limited edition Fearless-Bound Token SBT!

That’s it! Now, share your Fearless Dog SBT on Twitter!

To view your SBT, go to the SBT Gallery. In the gallery you’ll be able to view the SBTs you’ve minted. Make sure your wallet is connected on the Base Testnet to view your Fearless-Bound Token SBT.

In conclusion

In conclusion, Masa is excited to partner with Fearless Dog, to demonstrate more ways Soulbound Tokens can be utilized to build community and offer digital and real-world utility.

Fearless-Bound Token holders will be able to be first in line to mint their Fearless Dog NFTs, giving them a lifetime membership to the Fearless sports centre and giving them a lifetime of mental health support through MyHeal — which is absolutely priceless.

Join Fearless Dog’s Discord community and mint your Fearless Dog SBT to become truly fearless and join a community dedicated to personal growth, mental health, and overall well-being.

Follow @getmasafi & @Fearless_Dogs for more exciting updates and special community offers.

Be a part of the Masa Community 🌽

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