Masa x RociFi: Partner to Kick Off Onchain Credit Summer on Base

RociFi, the Credit Oracle Network, launches their Onchain Credit-Bound Token

5 min readAug 30, 2023



We’re super excited to announce our partnership with RociFi, an onchain credit scoring primitive that allows web3 users to monetize their onchain history and reputation.

The RociFi protocol enables highly capital efficient lending markets via on-chain credit scores powered by machine learning. To date, RociFi has served nearly 900,000 DeFi credit scores via its API, issued around 40,000 credit credential SBTs, and facilitated 6,000 capital efficient loans (1600 under-collateralized) on Polygon and zkSync.

And now, RociFi is going multichain with the upcoming launch of their Omnichain Credit Oracle on Base blockchain. To celebrate, we’ve partnered to launch their official community SBT, the Onchain Credit-Bound Token on Base. This limited-edition SBT will only be available for a few weeks. The Onchain Credit-Bound Token holders will get 3 distinctive perks.

Onchain Credit-Bound Token Perks & Rewards

1. Early access to mint your RociFi credit score credential NFT on Base. Access will be given in a private channel on RociFi Discord for Onchain Credit Summer SBT holders only.

2. Early access to RociFi’s new wallet profiler, RA, a tool to monitor your onchain credit history. Simply insert your wallet into the Address Profiler to get your profile page.

3. Early credit credential NFT holders are eligible for a small airdrop of $ROCI, after the upcoming token launch, without attesting non-sybil status.

These unique perks allow early adopters of RociFi on Base to monetize their onchain history before the masses.

RociFi to Integrate Masa Analytics

RociFi is also integrating Masa Analytics into their platform and dapp, to get behavioral data insights about their users. The incorporation of unique onchain and off-chain data will help RociFi identify their power users, community whales, and the other web3 services they are utilizing. Masa Analytics achieves this while always prioritizing user privacy with a cookie-less solution.

Kicking Off Onchain Credit Summer

Masa and RociFi fully recognize the immense potential of the Base ecosystem, with it being one of the fastest-growing web3 ecosystems in 2023. With the mission of bringing billions of people onchain, RociFi is well-positioned to onboard the surge of users to a decentralized alternative for credit access and monetization of onchain history. Mint your Onchain Credit-Bound Token, to get exclusive and early access to their DeFi platform on Base, and their upcoming airdrop.

How to Mint your Onchain Credit-Bound Token:

Simply, follow RociFi on X (Twitter) and join their Discord server, and get verified to mint your SBT. There is a small fee of $1 payable in BaseETH, plus the standard Base blockchain gas fee. This fee helps us deter bots and ensure a fair launch. Here are the full mint instructions..

Step 1: Get BaseETH

  • Confirm amount of Eth & deposit, don’t forget to confirm the transaction in your wallet
  • It can take up to 5 minutes for funds to bridge to Base. Make sure the transaction is confirmed in your wallet before proceeding.

Step 2: Connect Your Metamask Wallet to Base Camp

  • Visit Masa’s Base Camp App and connect your Metamask wallet:
  • You will be prompted to connect your wallet to the Base blockchain.

Step 3. Click the RociFi Onchain summer SBT Campaign

Step 4. Follow RociFi on X and verify your follow

Step 5. Join the RociFi Discord Community or verify your existing Discord membership

Step 6. Mint your limited edition Onchain Credit-Bound Token

That’s it! Now that you minted your Onchain Credit-Bound Token, share the news on X (Twitter).

To view your SBT, go to the SBT Gallery. In the gallery you’ll be able to view the SBTs you’ve minted. Make sure your wallet is connected on the Base Mainnet to view your Onchain Credit-Bound Token.

In Conclusion

Our partnership with RociFi is ushering in a new wave of decentralized finance. At Masa, we’re very passionate about getting under-collateralized credit in the hands of people all over the world, and helping them establish onchain creditworthiness through reputation building and positive actions.

Onchain Credit Summer is a way to kick off this financial revolution on one of the most active and exciting blockchain protocols, Base. We invite the hundreds of thousands of active users to join RociFi’s community, and be a part of the movement. Together, we’re forging the future of DeFi on Base.

Be a part of the Masa Community 🌽

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