The Ultimate Guide to Mint .Base Domain Names on Base Mainnet

Be the First to Grab Rare .Base Domain Names, Powered by Masa

4 min readAug 8, 2023



It’s official, Masa’s .Base Domain Names are launching on Base Mainnet on August 9th. With the highly-anticipated launch of the Base Mainnet, Masa is acting fast to be one of the first to introduce our .base domain names on the new blockchain.

Masa’s .Base Domain Names are the #1 .base name service on Base testnet, having amassed a staggering over 280,000 mints by 230,000+ unique wallets. With this amazing traction, Masa is set to be the de facto and premiere .base domain service on Base blockchain.

In the past 2 months, Masa has partnered with leading Base projects and powered over 50,000 Soulbound Token mints for Base communities, such as Dackies, CloudBase, Innovaz, Vaissel and more.

Now, we’re ready to launch .Base Domain Names on Base Mainnet, and this is everything you need to know.

Allowlist & .Base Domain Launch Timeline

All users who minted a .base domain on the Base testnet are automatically registered for the mainnet allowlist, and will get a 2-hour early access window to mint rare .base domains before the mint is open to the general public.

Any .base domain names minted on testnet will not carry over to mainnet. All those on the allowlist will be able to act fast to mint their rare and personalized .base domains!

On August 9th .Base Domain Names Launch

  • Allowlist Opens: 1 pm UTC // 9 am ET // 6 am PT
  • Public Mint Opens: 3 pm UTC // 11 am ET // 8 am PT

The window to register for the allowlist closed on August 8th at 3 pm UTC //11 am ET.

.Base Domain Name Rarity & Utility

The rarity of your .Base Domain Name is based on its uniqueness, desirability and limited supply. In general, the less characters the more rare the .base name.

Simple characters, single emojis, and clever .base names will be the most rare and sought-after. Achieve your web3 notoriety with a signature .base name no one will forget.

Examples of rare .base names:

  • Single emojis: 🚀.base & 🤩.base
  • Single characters: A.base, Z.base & 2.base
  • Double emojis & characters: AZ.base, 22.base & 👽👽.base
  • Names: vitalik.base, ETH.base & paradigm.base
  • Brands: fame.base, cola.base, ⭐💵.base

.Base Domain Name Pricing

In order to help preserve the rarity of your .base domains, Masa has created a simple pricing hierarchy, while also ensuring pricing is accessible to all web3 users. All pricing below is for a one-year registration period. You can also register for multi-year ownership directly on the minting site.

Base Domain Pricing

  • 1-character .base: $100
  • 2-character .base: $50
  • 3-character .base: $15
  • 4-character .base: $5
  • 5+-character .base: $1

All .base domains can be purchased with BaseETH. Instructions on how to use the bridge and get BaseETH can be found in our mint instructions below.

How to Mint your .Base Domain Name

Step 1: Get BaseETH

  • Select ‘Bridge assets’
  • Confirm amount of Eth & deposit, don’t forget to confirm the transaction in your wallet
  • It can take up to 5 minutes for funds to bridge to Base. Make sure the transaction is confirmed in your wallet before proceeding.

Step 2: Visit Masa-powered Basecamp dApp at

Step 3: Connect your wallet, and you will be prompted to switch to the Base Blockchain network

Step 4: Register your .base domain

  • Choose the registration period
  • Process the transaction

Step 5: Share your freshly minted .base domain on X (formerly Twitter)

Step 6: Mint more rare .base domains. Mint multiple .base domains.

Step 7: Sign up to our newsletter and join our community for upcoming perks and rewards for .base domain holders.

Base Domain Names On OpenSea

Your .base domains are automatically available to trade on OpenSea. You can view the OpenSea profile here:

Base domain names are tradeable and have a variety of traits based on their rarity.

In Conclusion

We’re absolutely thrilled for the launch of our .base domain names. Masa will continue to work diligently to integrate our .base domain names into a variety of services and partners, as well as introduce rewards and perks for .base holders.

Get ready to act lightning fast once the mint opens, and be the first to claim those rare .base domains. It’s almost time for the .base to drop.

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