ChangeNOW Rewind: Echoes of Innovation and Purpose

Our impressions from the event

3 min readJun 16, 2023


The first half of the year for Masawa has been a whirlwind of travel and new exciting connections as we engaged with the mental wellness, responsible leadership, and (impact) investment communities across the globe, from Berlin all the way to Silicon Valley.

ChangeNOW was one of our most recent endeavors. The conference provided us with a remarkable platform to showcase Masawa’s innovative Nurture Capital approach to a diverse range of investors, receiving overwhelmingly positive feedback. Not only did we get to pitch Masawa in front of an incredible crowd and jury (see the pitch here!), but we also got to sit on the other side of the table, as Sabine was a judge for two pitch competitions.

While ChangeNOW is a conference that primarily focuses on environmental solutions, we found the importance of social determinants also present in our investment thesis at Masawa, highlighted all throughout the event in the forms of “changing habits”, “education”, “food & nutrition” or “inclusion”.

We were also struck by the profound messages and values shared on stage, in workshops, and during conversations with like-minded participants. It all remarkably aligned with our core belief: “We cannot effectively tackle societal issues like climate change, inequality, or injustice without addressing our inner mental state as individuals.”

ChangeNOW’s unique strength lies in its ability to involve and engage diverse stakeholders, bridging public and private sectors, for-profit and non-profit organizations, and fostering collaboration across generations and between corporates and startups. This was evident in the words of Franzisca Zeidler, who emphasized that “diversity of thoughts leads to more creativity and more innovation, as well as more diversity of actions.”

Conversations throughout the conference underscored the significance of social justice, resilience, compassion, and reimagining our relationship with growth to achieve a sustainable future. Key phrases and themes that resonated included collective action, cooperation over competition, transparency, stakeholder economy, and long-term focus. Otto Scharmer also shared beautiful insights into systemic transformation: “You cannot change a system until you transform consciousness […] By moving through the “U” process, we learn to connect to our essential Self, see our own blind spot and pay attention in a way that allows us to experience the opening of our minds, our hearts, and our wills. […] Learning to become aware of our blind spot is critical to bringing forth the profound systemic changes so needed in business and society today”. puThe need for change was palpable — with action comes hope!

These powerful messages deeply align with Masawa’s mission. We firmly believe that addressing the global mental health crisis is essential to effectively combat climate change. Our investment approach is grounded in the conviction that purpose-driven investments in both profit and people yield higher returns. Masawa’s Nurture Capital approach minimizes human capital risk by screening for and enhancing leadership effectiveness, resilience, adaptability, and social impact, resulting in 1.5x+ increase in financial and social returns.

Moreover, we are committed to rebalancing the trust paradigm between founders and investors. Our Nurture Capital roster provides mental health support, coaching, and self-development tools for our founders, who also have the ability to leverage our Soft Landing package in case of challenging times to get back on their feet and start innovating again. We hold ourselves accountable by tying 50% of our GP carry to external impact targets co-created with founders. Founder Solidarity reserves 10% of our GP carry for founders. Lastly, any GP carry earned beyond a 4x+ multiple on invested capital goes to the Masawa Foundation, managed collectively by the Masawa team, advisors, and select LPs and investees.

We invite you to join and support us on this journey to nurture capital and minds while creating long-lasting change. Let’s embark on this transformative path together to shape a better world for generations to come!

Sabine Flechet is Masawa’s Co-Founding Partner, supporting Masawa in enhancing leadership effectiveness, wellbeing, and social impact, while delivering remarkable financial and social returns. With a diverse background in venture capital, private equity, strategy consulting, and investment banking, Sabine is a passionate advocate for responsible leadership and regenerative economy models, addressing the pressing needs of leaders and entrepreneurs while safeguarding our planet and society.



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We are the mental wellness impact fund. We invest in companies innovating mental wellness and help them succeed through impact & organizational health support.