How moving from China to America changed my life as a teenager

I cannot say that I enjoyed my first year in American high school very much. However, the story of transitioning to a new place is also the story of transitioning into a new self, who I owe thanks to right now. 讲真,我并不享受来美国念高中的第一年。但是,在适应新环境的过程中,我也发现了新的自己。这点让我非常感激。

Mascot — Group Chat for Students


When I was fourteen, my mum remarried and brought me to a new country, the United States, the very first time. With my parents divorced when I was little, I had no choice but to follow my mother’s step to America, as no one would be taking care of me back in China. My mother was the only person that I knew there, and at the same time, I had to live with the new stepfather and his daughter under the same roof. The new life in the US was nothing that I thought I was getting myself into.


I was born and raised in Shenzhen, the fourth largest and developed city in China. I moved to Bellevue Washington, where despite its proximity to Seattle, the suburban town was nothing compared to Shenzhen. The first thing that hit me was the inconvenience of transportation. Without a car, my mother and I both relied on the stepfather to take us out. When he was at work, we were stuck at home. The bus never came exactly on time. Even casual grocery shopping or a trip for boba tea is an over twenty-minute walk.


The suburban life is like a bottle of tasteless water that keeps you alive but with no fun. The malls in town were so small and basic compared to the ones back in China. The restaurants and shops all close before midnight. The neighbors were nice yet only limited to the extent of fake simile and say hi. I did not like this life at all and have questioned my mother over and over why she chose to move to the States.


I did not know before school started, my real challenges had yet to come. Entering school as a sophomore, I did not know anyone. The first day in class, I was challenged by limited English vocabulary and was barely able to follow in lecture. Of course, I did not make any friends, as I was too timid to start a conversation and was too embarrassed to talk with my broken English. Coming home frustrated and disappointed, I broke into tears and could not hold my composure. Always had been one of the top students in class, I could not imagine myself being tortured at school and falling behind in class.


Things were slightly getting better though. As time went by, I was able to use what I heard from others conversation to introduce a topic, which helped me greatly in making friends. By looking up new words in the textbook and lecture slides, I was able to follow up with lecture and actually did well on all the homework and quizzes. Halfway through the semester, I was even asked by a group of friends and a cute boy to take me to a school dance!


I guess there is always an adaptive and persistent side of me that I have never seen. School and life were too easy for me back in China, and I never had the chance to practice the skill of blending into a new environment or to make an active effort to make friends or to painstakingly go through all the course materials word by word. Together with the life transition to the United States, I also transitioned into a more mature and better version of myself, someone who is persistent and strong.


By the end of my shortened three-year high school career, I was admitted to Cornell University. I graduated with a big group of friends, a dream school offer, perfect GPA, and a matured self. Looking back into my life, I owe many thanks to my mother who brought me to the US and who gave me a chance to discover a new city and a new side of me. In my senior pictures, I had a big smile on my face, in my graduation gown with colorful tassels, surrounded by friends who went through ups and downs with me. I was truly prepared to tackle challenges in the future, as I know I have all the resources and support when I need them.


Now, in my sophomore year at Cornell, it has been exactly four years since I moved to the States. At this point of my life, I honestly cannot say where is home for me. My families are separated by the Pacific Ocean, while I am on the other side of America far away from them. In some sense, everywhere is home for me, as I know I can offer myself the security and care that I need wherever I go and can always make new friends and ask them for support. I know that in this world I am not alone and that I have all it takes to adapt to new environments and become more mature and more skilled as I go.


Siming, is a content creator @Mascot. She is studying Electrical and Computer Engineering at Cornell University.

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