International Women’s Day @ Mashroom

Simon Banks
Published in
10 min readMar 7, 2019

At Mashroom we are celebrating International Women’s Day by introducing some of our team (no, not the five in the background).

Gender inequality is women working more hours than men and being paid less. It’s less than 10 percent of world leaders being women. It’s women being contextualised in relation to their sex, rather than their skills.

Why is driving gender balance across the world so important? Because it will help remove the negative statistics that have no place in the modern world and create a fair ecosystem where people feel empowered by their work.

At Mashroom, we champion equality, and wouldn’t be where we are without the amazing female team that drive our company forward.

Meet the team who are helping shape Mashroom and disrupt the lettings industry.

Naveen Jaspal, COO

Describe the Mashroom culture in one word:


Why did you decide to come and work at Mashroom?

Mashroom is not just another PropTech business. For me, it stood out as a business that truly wants to encourage a community and solve real issues for consumers in the industry.

What is your superpower?

I wake up at 6am without an alarm clock.

What does success look like to you?

Happy customers who have received exceptional customer service and write great reviews. The success of our business is totally dependant on our customer service.

How do you overcome fear?

Deep breath, and remember all the fears I have already overcome. If all else fails, lots of ‘rescue remedy.’ Overcoming fear is only truly overcome when you have accomplished the challenge, then fear becomes an accomplishment.

One peer-to-peer tip for women to thrive in our industry?

Never doubt your ability and knowledge, take the next step up the career ladder and never be afraid to value yourself.

What is something you do now that your future self will thank you for?

I drink matcha to counteract the Five Guys.

What is the best advice that you have ever been given?

The more paper the cleaner your Ar*e. Oh, and in the end it’s not the words of your enemies that you remember but the silence of your friends — it’s important to know who you surround yourself with.

What are you reading / listening to?

In the dark by Cara Hunter.

Who inspires you?

My whole family.

If you could live anywhere in the UK where would you live?

I have recently moved to Cheshire as I’ve always wanted to live there.

Describe your dream home!

A house by the seaside, with a glass balcony overlooking the beach and bi-fold doors in my kitchen where I would walk out onto sand. We can all dream right?!

If tech could do anything what would it do?

To ensure that no one was ever lonely again. If we can build true inclusive communities through tech then we have solved a modern-day issue.

How do you create/belong to a community where you are?

By looking after my elderly neighbours when it snows and talking to them as i know they could be lonely.

One household item you couldn’t live without?

My cooker. I love to cook and create delicious dinners to enjoy after a long day at work. Food is good for the soul.

Favourite app?

Spotify. I feel like sometimes my life has a soundtrack to it.

What are you learning?

How to balance all elements in my life but also how to trust myself and my abilities.

One thing you love about your Mashroom job?

All the people who work here and their desire to work towards the same objective.

Where do you want to be career wise in 10 years?

I would like to be exactly where i am today but to have created and succeeded in our mission to re-create Emoov and build true communities in the landlord Mashroom market.

One final quote before you go

“I’M EVERY WOMAN IT’S ALL IN MEEEEE”. For me, it doesn’t matter whether you’re a man, woman, unicorn or leprechaun — we are all equal in the workplace. Everybody should have the confidence to speak up and use their knowledge to help their businesses succeed. Once you have found that voice, then you will gain power in knowing that there is no gender difference. Don’t feel intimidated in a room full of men, simply accept any challenge thrown your way and have the confidence to believe that you can get s**t done, just like anyone else can.’

Paris de Reuck, Marketing Manager

Describe the Mashroom culture in one word


Why did you decide to come and work with Mashroom?

I wanted to work with Mashroom because it was one of those ideas that I couldn’t stop thinking about. My role at Mashroom also gives me the opportunity to work across all aspects of setting up a new start up.

And lastly, as a mum of a toddler, having a job where I can create a flexible work schedule around nursery and other life priorities is always going to be really important.

What is your superpower?

I’ve got an incredibly detailed memory.

What does success look like to you?

Success for me is hearing personal stories from real people who have benefited from something I’ve been involved with. It’s nice to know that even the smallest things can have an impact on someone else’s life.

How do you overcome fear?

If it’s a big fear, I generally analyse it and try to get to the root of it before deciding if it’s something I want or have to overcome. Most of all, I totally allow myself to make the time to realise what I’m fearful of and why, and don’t rush myself if I can help it.

One peer to peer tip for women to thrive in our industry?

Just be yourself everyday and don’t let anyone else’s definition of what you are ever replace what you know.

What is something you do now that your future self will thank you for?

I don’t eat meat and fish.

What is the best advice that you have ever been given?

It doesn’t matter if you breastfeed or bottle feed your son, as long as he is fed. It’s the best advice I had at a time when I felt worried and overwhelmed about the most natural thing like feeding my child. It kind of applies to everything: you need to focus on the big picture and stop worrying about the detail of it all.

What are you reading / listening to?

Hacking Growth by Sean Ellis & Morgan Brown.

Who inspires you?

My son — he can sometimes be wise beyond his years, although he is only four he can say things at the right time that I draw inspiration from just when I need it the most.

If you could live anywhere in the UK where would you live?

Windsor right next to the castle!

Describe your dream home!

Find me a perfectly insulated home with underfloor heating, somewhere warm and comfortable with a large open plan kitchen, and a in door swimming pool because why not…it is my dream!

If tech could do anything what would it do?

Make sure no child or adult goes to bed hungry ever.

How do you create / belong to a community where you are?

The way I see it there are two parts to creating and being part of a community — one is to contribute by offering your skills or time willingly. The second is to ask for help or advice when you need it.

One household item you couldn’t live without?

Microwave plate warmers

Favourite app?


What are you learning?

I’m learning to cook more variety of vegetarian and vegan meals.

One thing you love about your Mashroom job?

I honestly love that in my role I can be involved with technical as well as creative tasks, whether that’s planning or actual implementation. We’re a start up, so it’s very much hands-on, which is great because I come from an advertising agency background, where most my time was spent creating ppt plans and presentations. Now the team and I can come up with something and have it implemented the next day to test and keep changing and testing to see if it’s working in action.

Where do you want to be career wise in 10 years?

I’d be happy if I’m in a place where I’m still learning and growing in my knowledge and experience. It would be even better if I’m doing all this learning from a remote beach location with a nice alcohol free cocktail next to me.

One final quote before you go

Balance is all about equality for me in the context of International Women’s day. It’s about having equal rights regardless of gender or background, and that’s crucial for creating an equal society at work, home and in the world in general.

Amy Johnson, Social Media Manager

Describe the Mashroom culture in one word


Why did you decide to come and work with Mashroom?

It’s exciting being a part of something new; knowing your work won’t get lost in a big, corporate company, but rather your input can actually make a difference.

What is your superpower?

I’m the only me.

What does success look like to you?

Success is when I feel genuinely proud of myself.

How do you overcome fear?

Call my Mum.

One peer to peer tip for women to thrive in our industry?

Overcome self-doubt.

What is something you do now that your future self will thank you for?

Drag myself to the gym and apply anti-wrinkle cream.

What is the best advice that you have ever been given?

Don’t judge a book by its cover.

What are you reading / listening to?

This Is Marketing, Seph Godin & The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F**k, Mark Manson.

Who inspires you?

My Mum, Dad and brother; but all in very different ways.

If you could live anywhere in the UK where would you live?

Right where I’m living now.

Describe your dream home!

In the future, I’d live in a quintessentially English Country Home with a huge garden, over run with animals and wildlife.

If tech could do anything what would it do?

Cure illness.

How do you create/belong to a community where you are?

By simply smiling to my neighbours. Trust me, it makes a huge difference to how both you and they feel (and is too rare of gesture in London).

One household item you couldn’t live without?

My Coffee Machine

Favourite app?


What are you learning?

That every day is what you make it. If you make yourself happy, you will feel happy. If you throw yourself fresh into everyday you will succeed.

One thing you love about your Mashroom job?

The opportunity to be creative on a daily basis.

Where do you want to be career wise in 10 years?

I would love to be an expert in a niche field, motivating and teaching others.

Anne Scott, Advisor

Describe the Mashroom culture in one word


Why did you decide to come and work with Mashroom?

Because the founder Stepan understands the importance of creating an empowered community.

What is your superpower?

Helping others nurture their own superpowers.

What does success look like to you?


How do you overcome fear?

Recognising it, thanking it and pushing through it.

One peer to peer tip for women to thrive in our industry?

Read everything you can get your hands on, connect with other women in the industry and be vocal about intolerance to outdated sexist BS.

What is something you do now that your future self will thank you for?

Nurturing my hunger to learn constantly — and not sunbathing!

What is the best advice that you have ever been given?

You can’t control things, only your reaction to it.

What are you reading / listening to?

Podcast, Should This Exist by Catherine Fake.

Who inspires you?

My Girl Gone International community!

If you could live anywhere in the UK where would you live?

I am nomadic and don’t live in one place very long!

Describe your dream home!

I can make a home wherever I go.

If tech could do anything what would it do?

Save our precious environment.

How do you create/belong to a community where you are?

I connect into my local Girl Gone International community.

One household item you couldn’t live without?

Does my suitcase count as a household item?

Favourite app?

Insight Timer, Audible and Blinkist.

What are you learning?

In PropTech you never stop learning!

One thing you love about your Mashroom job?

Our shared vision to make moves happy ones.

Where do you want to be career wise in 10 years? I

I am already 10 years ahead of schedule so maybe in another 10 years I will be focusing 100% of my time on building meaningful communities across the world that work together to try to heal our ecosystem.

For more from our team and the exciting things happening at Mashroom follow us across social media:






