MASQ Development Update Nov 2021

MASQ Network
Published in
3 min readDec 3, 2021

With major project events announced this past month, including the much-anticipated unveiling of GEMINI features, it’s time to catch up on our last official Discord/Telegram ‘Behind the MASQ’ write-up! (*this will be number 5*)

Here is a recap of progress over the past four weeks . . . Please read on!

Status of GEMINI v0.2-alpha software

GEMINI v0.2-alpha = 95% complete

Current Dependencies ( ALL IN PROGRESS ):

  • Accountant module scanning adjustments for Polygon chain
  • Final Code Review on chain support and database handling of Polygon (Polygon mainnet & Mumbai testnet)
  • Metamask extension overlay in the GEMINI software
  • URL bar functionality
  • dApps Store Whitelist

GEMINI Features Unveiled!

The community is still buzzing with excitement after viewing a full-length demo of the updated GEMINI software, which included a look at some of the amazing features of the ‘VEIL Initiative’ — features never seen in another software in the space — namely, in-app browsing through the enhanced privacy MASQ Network and a native dApp store that is supported by the official MetaMask extension!

Both of these features are still undergoing refinement for more polished browsing and to perfect User Experience. And with the UI developers hard at work it will not be long until users will be enjoying the powerful security features of this Web 3.0 ready platform.

Rust Core

With work moving into the monetization modelling and Accountant module, a number of aspects still need a bit more architecture since we have experienced differences in the Polygon blockchain — namely that Polygon block times are on average about 2.5 seconds compared to Ethereum’s 13–14 seconds. This means that payment scanning and confirmation of transactions occurring between Nodes needs adjustment to allow for a higher frequency of detection and processing.

This has also required further engineering into how the database can account for tracked consuming and serving totals as running totals are kept for other Nodes.

Testing — Polygon Mumbai

Our internal group of veteran testers have been busy testing aspects of the consuming and payment handling for the past 7 days. The largest test network was 14 nodes, with nearly all of them seeing routing activity, stable consuming, and streaming of YouTube as well as a user test!

The testing crew has been solid, and a great help, in tracking down aspects needing attention before we start official internal testing of the whole GEMINI software package.

GEMINI User Interface

As seen in the demo our User Interface and experience are not only stunning technical achievements, they are packed with rich features and visually appealing display components.

The UI developer team is busy polishing these features and working on the key dependencies outlined above, but we are also seeing some beautiful visuals of other parts of the dashboard that give the community an exciting further look into what’s extremely close to being in the hands of the users!

What’s Coming?

A roll-out plan for the test phases is forthcoming which will cover what public users who are subscribed for early access can expect when they start using GEMINI beta on Polygon Mainnet!

MASQ Network is building a censorship-resistant dVPN mesh network that will provide access to global internet content for all netizens, regardless of where they live. By combining all the benefits of VPN and Tor technology, MASQ software will offer superior privacy features without many of the disadvantages of those tools.

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MASQ Network

Passionate about decentralization and freedom — working in high performance teams to better ourselves and the people we interact with!