MASQ Network Governance Voting Launch

MASQ Network
Published in
4 min readSep 27, 2021

The core team of MASQ Network is excited to progress towards decentralized governance by launching its first Governance Proposal using the Snapshot voting system!

This is a significant step forward for the project, which allows the greater community to be involved in decision-making of the project path and further strengthens a decentralized mesh-network ecosystem.

Firstly, why decentralized voting?

While many projects rely on a single CEO or Project Leader to make most of the decisions for the future, MASQ Network was founded by a group of co-founders back in Oct 2019. Many of the early strategic decisions were made by a group vote, including nominating KauriHero to act as the Project Lead.

Since inception, the co-founders’ long-term vision was to take steps towards true decentralization, so the MASQ Network could operate autonomously and be immutable once the network goes live.

Launching a voting system for the project is the logical first step to allow the community to have its say on important proposals, and also leads the way towards a structure more in line with a DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization)

Where can I find the voting system?

MASQ Network has deployed decentralized voting using Snapshot, which provides various voting types on a flexible and off-chain gasless client. Creating proposals and voting on Snapshot is user friendly and does not cost any gas to create proposals or to cast your votes!
Most importantly, the voting is easily verified and hard to refute, since the results are transparently listed by the wallet addresses casting the votes.

Key Features listed on

What’s most exciting about the launch, is the clever Senior Alchemists at Crucible are supporting the deployment, to give all community members an easy portal to vote with their subscribed SLP in the GEMINI Aludel reward pool directly from their Crucible universal wallet!

This will be visible in the Governance tab in the Crucible UI once live at

This takes us to the final aspect of the MASQ Network Governance system…

Who can Vote?

Liquidity providers are amongst the most supportive and committed community members of a project. They help foster a stronger market presence, allow the community to grow with new supporters smoothly becoming token holders, and promote a healthy circulating token supply.

Therefore, the governance voting is designed to provide Sushiswap MASQ-WETH Liquidity Providers (MASQ-WETH SLP) the additional loyalty benefit of voting rights. This is in addition to GEMINI Aludel rewards for subscribing these tokens.

Many current holders of MASQ-WETH SLP have them subscribed within the GEMINI Aludel for rewards — don’t worry you can vote right from your Crucible!

For the first Governance Proposal ONLY, community voters can hold their MASQ-WETH SLP in either their wallet OR a Crucible. (meaning you don’t have to mint a Crucible to vote in this first proposal)

Future proposal voting can only be done through wallets with SLP contained in a Crucible.

To allow new community members a window of time to obtain MASQ-WETH SLP to vote in the first proposal, holders at block height 13,317,500 (roughly Tuesday 23:59 28 September UTC) will be able to cast a vote in first proposal.

If you do not hold SLP tokens on or before block height 13,317,500, you will not be able to interact with the first Governance vote

What’s coming next?

Within the next 2–3 days, the first Governance Proposal will be announced to the community.

Its based on a really exciting and important part of the software — focused around ease of use and scaling!

The governance voting system will be further used for community votes on important aspects of community and project expansion, including things like marketing initiatives, tokenomics, community competitions, partnerships, integrations with MASQ Node software and more!

MASQ Network is building a censorship-resistance mesh network, allowing all global netizens access to internet content, regardless of where they live. In addition, MASQ software will offer superior privacy features and combines all the benefits of VPN and Tor technology without many of the disadvantages of those tools.

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MASQ Network

Passionate about decentralization and freedom — working in high performance teams to better ourselves and the people we interact with!