Beginner Interview Tips

Chad Nick Desisto
MassArt Innovation
2 min readMay 23, 2019


Presented while assisting with MA+Ds integrated 3D and SIM course called “Art Life and Money” co-taught by Sandrine Schaefer, Fabio Fernandez and Matthew Hinçman.

A. Prep — consider backcasting. Think… where do I want these ideas to lead and then reverse engineer how to get there.

B. During the interview — throw your prep questions away and let the conversation flow. Let your preparation guide you and let new destinations form as you fact find.

[ I’ll speak to this ‘tear of the speech’ trope citing Dr. Kings iconic speech as an example during a recorded book chat of Originals — by Adam Grant. linked here ]

(for now)

Get to it, be bold, build your network.


A special thank you to Sandrine Schaefer for giving me the opportunity to teach, thanks Sandrine!



Chad Nick Desisto
MassArt Innovation

a technical designer, social researcher and citizen scientist of earth.