MassBit Publications Is Open: Help People Learn About #web3 And Earn With MassBit

MassBit Protocol
MassBit Protocol
Published in
4 min readJul 21, 2022

Your step-by-step guide on how to become a MassBit Community Contributor on Medium

Dear prospective MassBit writer! The beauty of Crypto is that there is much less differentiation between company and consumer. No longer is a community a place of fans and consumers, but active participants in the development of the product and community as a whole. Well thought out tokenomics and governance mechanics allows for projects to grow while equally benefitting all members, especially those who actively participate.

🕵️ What are we looking for?

Hearing about blockchain infrastructure projects might feel complex, academic, or boring for some. We want to change that to bring web3 solutions to mass users! So that’s why We want to create a portal by which community members can create high-quality, thought-provoking content regarding the subject of web3 infrastructure and decentralized API. But, of course, the way you approach it is up to you. Cross-chain infrastructure can often be best understood through highly technical analysis, and Massbit always encourages community contributors that approach things this way, as we believe all successful projects are built on fundamentally sound technicals.

📝 Why?

MassBit deals with an often overlooked aspect of web3, how to create the cross-chain infrastructure that isn’t reliant on centralized API systems. There are many worthwhile and innovative Crypto projects, but a limiting factor for many is creating scalable solutions for dealing with the interoperability of different projects. MassBit solves this issue by working with small API providers and validators to form decentralized gateways.

The academic and technical aspects of web3 infrastructure can be a steep learning curve for some or overly technical for others. We need you to help us by contributing community-led articles about MassBit and the need for decentralized API systems within web3 infrastructure.

MassBit and its product line deals with many important aspects of interoperability of different chains and the general evolution of web3, so we also encourage you to write articles that take a more broad and philosophical approach to web3 infrastructure and its place in the emerging web revolution.

Contributing to the MassBit Medium Portal doesn’t just help educate and enable the readers, but authors receive extra benefits for their contributions.

General Benefits:

  • Gift 🎁: 2,000 Wahlee Tokens per article

General contributors will have an open place to write challenging and thought provoking articles. In addition, writers will be recognized by MassBit and its audience, can earn up to 2000 Wahlee Tokens per article and be eligible to be a MassBit Ambassador (Angel).

Node Provider Benefits:

Contributors that are already part of MassBit as Node Providers can earn even more, including partnership opportunities and branding on various MassBit platforms.

Builder Benefits:

Web3 projects that contribute can also help spread awareness of their project, by allowing MassBit to promote their branding on MassBit platforms, creating new partnership opportunities and organic growth.

✅ How to start

Following these steps to start publishing your content:

  1. Fill out this form:
  2. MassBit team will contact you via the preferred channel
  3. Submit your content, our team will work with you on the first 3 contents.
  4. Post your finalized contents on MassBit Publications
Post your contents
  • Add your content to MassBit Publications
Add your contents to MassBit Publication

📋 Some topics we’re interested in

Communication is a key aspect of any successful project, even more so in the web3 world. With the ability to create truly decentralized communities that create systems to allow for project evolution and growth, while still respecting the holders within that system equally, then you can grow something special. Articles should have both a micro and macro understanding of the tech and market as a whole, with a clearly driven thesis that is well supported. The angle you approach is up to you, innovation cannot occur with boundaries, so bring us your most intriguing ideas. The MassBit Publication will serve as a way we can grow both the MBR product line as well as our community in a respectful and productive way.

How to get help on an idea?

If you are on the first steps becoming a web3 writer, or simply don’t know what to write about. We are here to help, simply send us an email to or drop us a message on Telegram:

About MassBit

MassBit provides fully decentralized solutions for Defi and Web3 App project development. Currently MassBit has 3 products in the stage of development; MassBit Route, MassBit Cross-Chain Indexing and MassBit Insights. MassBit enables DeFi and Web3 App development to be faster, stable, scalable, and more cost-effective.

The powerful ‘glue’ holding together and supporting all the products is the MassBit Verification Protocol, which is based on proof of stake. The protocol incentivizes those working within the system to verify each other’s work. The verification of other nodes, gateways, or indexers gives rewards or penalties for the mistakes to each individual or entity. From that, the protocol ensures the whole network’s health.

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MassBit Protocol
MassBit Protocol

The first fully decentralized solution. We help DeFi & Web3 apps to work faster, easier, more reliable, and especially, more cost effective.