The MC Summer Reading List

MassChallenge Blog
4 min readMay 27, 2016


Summer is almost here! In preparation of our intense summer accelerator, we asked our MassChallenge Boston Finalists to share some of their favorite books that have helped them embark on their entrepreneurial journey as a result we have some summer reads ideas for you.

Our MassChallenge Finalist share some of their favorite books that have helped them embark on their entrepreneurial journey as a result we have some summer reads ideas for you.

Hard Things About Hard Things by Ben Horowitz

Silicon Valley’s well known entrepreneur, Ben Horowitz wrote this book to describe almost every uncertainty an entrepreneur faces as he ventures into starting his own company. From co-founder relationships to fundraising the book covers it all with explicit display of years of knowledge and caliber. For every entrepreneur taking the step on to a rocky road this book could be the bedside guide you need.

Recommended by: Felipe Infante de Castro, NewsCoin

Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyoski

This book is an intense yet a very meaningful read that would give you a new perspective on struggle and monetary security. Sure, as an entrepreneur you can make billions at a later time but should that be your ultimate goal? If these questions run in your mind, the book will give you an insight into how one should think about money, risk and intrinsic goals.

Recommended by: Mahesh Vishwanathan, LeakSpotter

The Founder’s Dilemmas by Noam Wasserman

Founding a company can be one of the most nervewreking yet exciting experiences one can get. Often times the excitement encompasses all that you might put at stake as an entrepreneur. Noam Wasserman presents results from years of researching and working with startups in The Founder’s Dilemma the book highlights all the mistakes that are common and very much avoidable so why not read a few things that will help you stay on track!

Recommended by: Dylan Husted, SaveOhno

Steal Like An Artist by Austin Kleon

World’s largest design firms say out loud in confidence that everyone is creative. However it is easy to keep creativity hidden within us. Entrepreneurship provides many avenues to you in exhibiting your creativity but at times when we play it safe or follow a rule book we stop our creative side from showing it’s colors. This book is perfect for the entrepreneur wanting to leverage her creative side in all aspects of business it might just help do things a bit more differently!

Recommended by: Jorge Sanchez Lopez, ConquerX

Big Magic! By Elizabeth Gilbert

Think of entrepreneurship like an obstacle race, every so often you might trip over one of those things in front of you but you keep running till the finish line. When you hit obstacles in your entrepreneurial journey you will need inspiration along with creativity to get you out of the hole. Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert is for anyone wanting to do things a bit differently by providing ways in which you can inspire yourself and be creative in the things you do. It is a great book to read when you feel low because it will simply cheer you up with the way it is written!

Recommended by: Melissa Gersin, Tranquilo

Deep Work by Cal Newport

As an entrepreneur you have committed a large part of your life to your company and its vision. How do you keep going with the same amount of passion and motivation? Cal Newport’s Deep Work will answer a lot of these questions by showing highly effective methods for professionals to commit themselves to their work even with all the noise and chaos that surrounds them.

Recommended by: Devin Donaldson, The Optimist Company

  • Manavi Datta, MassChallenge Marketing & Social Media

Originally published at



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