Buy your tickets to #MCAwards15 now!

Three Reasons You Need to Attend #MCAwards15

MassChallenge Blog
Published in
3 min readOct 14, 2015


We’ve been waiting for this moment for four months! The MassChallenge 2015 Awards Ceremony, where we shine the biggest spotlight on the world’s highest impact entrepreneurs is nearly here. #MCAwards15 is easily the innovation community’s largest event to celebrate the power of entrepreneurship, and here are three reasons why you need to be there:

Connect with the 128 Boston Finalists — Witness 26 Expert Pitches

Over 2300 entrepreneurs applied to our 2015 MassChallenge accelerator program. On October 28th, you’ll get to meet the 128 that made the cut.

99Degrees Custom wins $100k at the 2013 Awards Ceremony

Marijuana potency sensors, bracelets that shock good habits into you, swarms of drones that keep an eye out on the ocean floor, and even unshrinking your sweaters in time for #sweaterweather, the depth and breadth of the 2015 MassChallenge startups is incredible. The industries 2015 Finalists are looking to disrupt are so diverse that there is bound to be something that tickles your fancy at the 2015 Awards Ceremony.

Showcase not enough? You’ll be able to witness 26 intense pitches from the winning MassChallenge startups. These final 26 are in it to win the big bucks, over $1.5M in equity free cash.

2) Compelling Keynotes

Hamdi Ulukaya, Founder & CEO of Chobani

Like yogurt? Then you’ll love our line up of inspiring keynotes. The CEO of Chobani, Hamdi Ulukaya, will be headlining #MCAwards15 to share his founding story with the innovation community.

From starting up in Turkey, to making it big in New York, Hamdi’s story is the textbook example of the entrepreneurial dream and we can’t to learn how he catalyzes massive impact!

Hamdi will also be joined by Governor Charlie Baker and Mayor Marty Walsh who will discuss the many ways in which Massachusetts is quickly become the world’s greatest startup hub.

3) Join a top community of entrepreneurs and innovators.

Everybody who is anybody in the innovation industry will gather at the Boston Convention Center for the MassChallenge Awards Ceremony. This is your opportunity to rub elbows with influencers and decision-makers from leading organizations such as Pepsi, Microsoft, Verizon, Fidelity, American Airlines, EMC, and more.

Sword & Plough pitches at the 2013 Awards Ceremony

What are you waiting for?

Secure your ticket to the MassChallenge Awards Ceremony Now.

  • Jibran Malek, MassChallenge Marketing Manager

Originally published at



MassChallenge Blog

MassChallenge is the most startup-friendly accelerator on the planet, and the first to support high-impact, early stage entrepreneurs, with no strings attached.