MPC: How a Teenager Side Gig Became a Fully-Fledged Software House | Massive Pixel Creation

Katarzyna Nawrocka
Massive Pixel Creation
5 min readJun 11, 2020

Hello, World!

It’s been years in the making, but we finally got to this major milestone: our own, brand-new website! Before we embark on the new journey, let’s warm up a bit and introduce ourselves properly. What is Massive Pixel Creation? Where did we come from? What do we strive for?

The Company

Since 2012, Massive Pixel Creation delivers bespoke software using agile methods and the most efficient technologies. Our skills were sharpened while we worked on our own stock products showcased on Envato Marketplace and recognized by the experts in our field. With time, our WordPress work has won numerous awards, making MPC one of the Power Elite Authors.

We focus on custom website development and more complex web apps designed and delivered with transparency and ownership as our company’s core values. MPC has become a home to brave, passionate, and creative professionals with experience in various areas. Together, we’ve learned — and still do so — all the market-proven ropes needed to deliver full, working, and tested results.

But the journey to 2020 was a long and bumpy one (and it included loads of packing & moving).

The Origin

For many years, our CEO was a lone wolf focused on developing full, comprehensive WordPress products for Envato Marketplace. Since his first days in the business, his goal was to create products that he’d love to use himself — hence the unwillingness to compromise on quality and time.

MPC’s flagship products, Flipbook and Blaszok, were numerously among Envato’s weekly top sellers. Over time, we’ve equipped our software with dozens of user-requested features and improvements to meet the ever-changing market requirements.

Years went by, and MPC’s headquarters changed. We started from a single room in Kuba’s little flat. It didn’t take long to realize that it was too small for two — I mean, three, including Kuba’s ubiquitous husky — hard-working individuals…

From Spring 2014 until now, MPC has changed addresses quite a few times, striving to create a personal and welcoming space as the team grew bigger. It was never long before we had to say ‘we’re gonna need a bigger boat’ yet again!

The Shift

Ever since we started putting our products on Envato, we’ve been receiving requests from clients looking for customized solutions to our offerings. For a long time, we had to turn these inquiries down as we knew there are only so many hours in a day (although some of our colleagues try to defy it).

It took Kuba many sleepless nights, but eventually, he decided to take a giant leap. That’s when MPC has released the (WP) Kraken.

The Kraken

WP Kraken was designed as a remedy to website headaches and uncrackable WordPress problems. Since December 2016, our team has helped over 53.000 different clients with their projects. What was initially developed as a platform for small B2C clients and startups grew to a size we never dreamed of seeing. After the release, we’ve witnessed a literally unstoppable flow of client queries. We probably shouldn’t have been that surprised; after all, we released the Kraken

This change has let us spread our wings and dream bigger than ever. We’ve gained flexibility and developed the mindset to deliver working & tested products in a quick and efficient manner. Nonetheless, we kept the uncompromising approach to quality that we’ve developed while working on our products.

The Aftermatch

Our team was then ready for bigger challenges and bigger projects. At this point, we could also invite the sharpest players of this game to join our ranks and extend our list of services. Currently, we also develop mobile apps and work with the latest technologies, such as Angular, Vue.js, Laravel, or React Native. We keep offering services at a professional level while maintaining a fair price for our smaller clients. Another major step for us was partnering up with our corporate clients using Staff Augmentation.

From tiny desks and makeshift kitchen spaces to hipster townhouse locations, Massive Pixel Creation went through many makeovers. We’ve had our branding polished, revamped, and turned upside down more than once. We’ve had our headquarters packed into boxes, our desks reshuffled, our precious mini-snooker table pushed around in the hope that it’ll still fit somewhere. Finally, there came a chance to fully express what MPC is all about.

And that’s where we are now — in our very own office space! It took a long time (much longer than we initially expected — I guess it’s never safe to assume any deadlines when it comes to construction) and tons of effort, but the hard work has paid off. At last, we were able to create a space that was genuinely ours — even though we had to go through multiple pivots in the process. Surprisingly, it did include carrying a couch on the stairs 😅

The Culture

As I’m writing this article, Massive Pixel Creation is a team of over ninety people, and we don’t intend to stop anytime soon. We’re always on the lookout for passionate and hard-working people who are also great fun to be around with. We develop more than web apps — each of our team members has an annual budget for their growth and will always be heard if they come up with a unique idea to boost their competencies.

MPC’s company culture was built around the values that lay close to Agile methodology: transparency, engagement, & non-stop learning. We believe that openness creates a sense of unity and strengthens the bonds inside the team. We run weekly company meetings to communicate important news and discuss what’s been eating us.

Ask anyone around the office and they’ll admit that they know what ‘tight deadline’ means. But, over the years, we’ve learned that fun and chill are both immanent ingredients of the mix. You won’t create thrilling software without a well-rested mind. That’s why we put ‘life’ in the term ‘work/life balance’. With emphasis.

And since Sheba, Kuba’s Siberian husky, was there with him since MPC’s first days, we couldn’t help inviting other four-legged friends to join us whenever possible.

The Future

With the release of the MPC website, we’ve entered into a whole new era. In 2020, we’ve also taken our first official steps into corporate responsibility by initiating a MPCharity program. On top of that, we’ve focused our activities around strengthening our sales team and investing in our own content.

Our next goal is to offer new products and services through the rewritten and redesigned WP Kraken platform. We plan to provide even more technologies for our stack and work on the further adaptation of Agile’s statements into our workflow.

Feel free to explore everything we’ve prepared for you and make sure to check back in a while to see how it all evolves! We hope we’ll go through great adventures together!

Originally published at on June 11, 2020.



Katarzyna Nawrocka
Massive Pixel Creation

Hi! I work at Massive Pixel Creation, a bespoke software house based in Poland.