What is Massive?

Nadja Oertelt
Published in
3 min readOct 3, 2016

Massive is a new community that empowers you to participate in science as it happens.

And it’s happening all around you! From individual scientists in your community to local DIY science spaces to institutions around the world, our mission is to help you connect with the research and people pushing the boundaries of human knowledge. Join us now by subscribing via email, Facebook, Twitter, or at massivesci.com.

We believe that scientific thinking — asking informed questions of the world while remaining critical of the answers––is one of humanity’s most important inventions. And we want to make sure that everyone can use the tools and methods that scientists employ every day, even if you’re not a professional scientist. The best way to do that is simple: we want to empower you to do science. That can be as simple as reading an article and coming to a conclusion using scientific principles, or as hands-on as learning how to run a DIY neuroscience experiment at a science demo day near you.

To help you get involved, we’re going to work a little differently than most sites out there. Like most publications, we’ll publish incredible stories about the latest research and oldest controversies in neuroscience, astrophysics, synthetic biology and artificial intelligence. But instead of just following the trail of recently published results, we’ll be on the lookout for stories about the most ground-breaking research happening right now, follow these developing ideas as they happen, and allow you to subscribe to updates each time we check back in on a story. That way, you’ll understand how and why discoveries happen, not just what was discovered.

In addition to our coverage, we’ll build a network of places you can go to have hands-on experiences by partnering with scientists, academics, educational institutions, independent science spaces, DIY labs and other places where science happens. By joining Massive, you’ll not only get great science coverage, you’ll get access to live events, classes, demo days and more, both in your local community and around the world via live streams and online courses.

These partnerships have another benefit. Through them, we’ll build an advisory board of scientists and engineers to help guide our curatorial and editorial objectivity as we report on the most cutting edge and controversial research in science, engineering and medicine.

If you’re a scientist or organization with a collaborative science idea and an interest in partnering with us, please send us an email!

If you’re a journalist, media producer, or storyteller and you have a science story you’re dying to tell, please send us an email! If you want to be added to our pitch list, please sign up here.

Imagine a community where everyone can use the tools of science to make sense of their world. Where world-changing research isn’t hidden behind paywalls and logins. Where scientific discovery is a natural and exciting part of everyone’s everyday life.

That’s Massive.

Join us today via email, Facebook, Twitter or at massivesci.com.



Nadja Oertelt

CEO + cofounder @massivesci // science + media // formerly @mashable @harvardonline // created @mcb80x // spewed forth from @MIT