King or Lamb?

Your Content is Not KING, Your Content is LAMB and It’s a Jungle Out There.

Pooria Asteraky
Master the Influence
5 min readDec 2, 2013


I accept it, calling your content a lamb, is a harsh statement to start with, but that’s how the reality often looks like.

In fact the “King or Lamb” is the name of a course, well not only a course but a tribute to the genuine content and the creators of the genuine content, commonly when I say content I mean online content. I've created this online course as a comprehensive package to stop content theft and preserve the authorship.

The King and Lamb are metaphors; The King is the proper situation of the content when it’s created, published and recognized with respect to its author, creator, publisher and authenticity, While the Lamb is the jeopardized, miscalled, unprotected, misused and unauthorized content.

In general, I know myself as an optimistic person yet I believe no content is the King unless its authorship is preserved.

After over ten years wrestling with all the challenges of creating and publishing content as a publisher of both online and printed media I reached to the approach that I’m now sharing with you.

Copyright is a Simultaneous Equation

Look at the issues related to the copyright and authorship in the online atmosphere.

The complications of content, copyright and authorship.

There are laws that protect the creators rights, but the foundation for almost all the copyright rules are based on the Berne Convention which had been held back in 1886, yet we have recent regulations such as DMCA (Digital Millenium Copyright Act) or SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act).

Finding the applicable law on each issue is a great challenge itself.

Internet is a global and borderless space, and we need to find the practical answer for the following questions; What laws are applicable on the internet? Are these laws effective at any scenario, place or country?

There are also other types of regulations or protocols which are made and followed by the people and organizations who are actively creating tools, content and software. Licenses such as Creative Commons, GNU or GPL.

To have a clear vision on copyright and authorship we need to understand related legal terms and concepts, Some of these terms and concepts like “Public Domain” are often misunderstood or misused.

Further studies prove these laws, licenses and protocols are often have serious paradoxes and contradictions so no one can be often agreed or follow all the available laws and regulations when it comes to copyright.

Therefore, the first section of the King or Lamb is dedicated to legal issues, in a way that any author or content creator can find out what are the rights, risks and responsibilities. The course also help the participant to define a true legal policy for both creating and using the online content.

Latest Technical Tools and Methods to Protect Authorship against Content Theft

The second section of the King or Lamb course, is dedicated to technical issues, How to create, structure, publish and share the online content in order to minimize or stop content theft and its costly consequences.

In the technical section of the course I review all the current and existing technical practices for protecting content; I explain why many of these practices are wrong, I explain the best practices that can be recommended in different levels; The participants learn why and how the content is being duplicate, what tools are used to perform the content theft? how to stop these tools?

The technical section of the course is very rich it includes details such as using DNS settings against content theft (amazingly a proper DNS setting can be used to stop content theft via web-spiders), using “Digital Signatures” such as Google Authorship, Facebook Open-graph protocol and Twitter Hovercard and feed syndication; Yet these measure explained in a simple way to learn and practice for non-tech authors and editors.

Without These Technical Measures Not Even the Toughest Laws and Best Lawyers in the World Can Protect our Content and Rights.

Using the techniques explained in the course give the content a chance to get indexed by Google-Bots almost instantly, Which means if I publish an article and someone duplicate it in his blog and Google index his webpage sooner than mine; Google might assumes the duplicated content is original and my content is copied, so Google will show the duplicated page in a higher level of search results than it shows my page.

Forcing Google to index the new webpages instantly has a major effect against content theft, Specially when we see Google tries to punish duplicated content and spammers, Thanks to Matt Cuts and his team in Google.

Well as you see fighting plagiarism and content theft includes many things from DNS to SEO(search engine optimization) and social media integration. And I included all these important measures in the course.

The last section of the course is a combination of legal and technical measures and actions, It teaches how to track and intercept content theft, how to fight it technically and legally, how to remove the duplicated content from the web and how to protect yourself against potential copyright claims.

An illustration of the King or Lamb Course Structure

In a way I’m glad that I could combine lots of different things in this course to offer a comprehensive solution. As far as I know this combination is unique and even though there are many books, blogs and courses addressing the copyright issues, neither one has addressed all the three legal and technical sections that I've covered in the course. I’m also very curious to find out the respond of potential participants after the course is launched within the next two weeks.

Disclaimer: The Legal Information provided in this article and in the King or Lamb Course, Is exactly information. Legal information is not legal advice, and I am not a Lawyer.



Pooria Asteraky
Master the Influence

A Believer in Friendship & Helpfulness; Entrepreneur, #SocialMedia Marketing & Applications Specialist.