Draw Your Own Weapon Retrospective

Yamini Hundare
Mastering Agility
Published in
4 min readJul 23, 2024


Are you looking for a fresh, engaging way to conduct your team retrospectives? Imagine a room full of adults, coloured Sharpies in hand, tapping into their creativity to share insights and ideas. This was my experience facilitating the “Draw Your Weapon” retrospective template for the first time. You can create your own unique template based on this that suits your team's needs.

For example:

  • Draw your own weapon — To achieve sprint goal
  • Draw your own weapon — To improve team dynamics
  • Draw your own weapon — To encourage stakeholder involvement
  • Draw your own weapon — To focus on sprint backlog

I designed a retrospective template to facilitate a discussion about what do we need to conquer our quarterly initiatives.

Draw Your Own Weapon — To Conquer Quarterly Goals


Empower team members to visualise and express the key qualities and tools they need to successfully tackle quarterly initiatives through a creative and engaging activity.

Materials Needed:

  • Paper or drawing sheets
  • Coloured pencils, markers, sharpies or crayons
  • Optional: Digital drawing tools for remote teams.

1. Introduction (10 minutes)



Yamini Hundare
Mastering Agility

I am an aspiring writer who loves to write about agile mindset, my own experiences and children's stories. I am a published author.