Team Sauron’s Shapeshift: Adapting to Forge Success

Sander Dur
Mastering Agility
Published in
6 min readDec 12, 2023


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This article was co-written by Sabrina Love.

Meet Team Sauron. Sauron is a Scrum Team working at Magnum Opus, a company that creates biometric security machines. This team specifically is creating facial recognition software with highly sophisticated cameras. The team consists of the following people:

Product Owner — Ruben Blackstone
Scrum Master — Rafaela Higgins
Developers — John Doe, Joanna Doe, Anna Nonimous, No Wan Noes, Patty Kong

They have successfully delivered increments for 15 Sprints, but they have been struggling in the last three Sprints.

In the refinement session, the team runs into the same issues they had in the previous Sprints: they don’t have the right skills to address some of the upcoming work having to do with more advanced facial recognition software. Ruben, the Product Owner, is the first to recognize this impending impediment. The team has tried to refine these items before but they always seem to get stuck and ultimately agree to do some research offline. This is the third time they’ve tried, and now it’s becoming increasingly more risky to continue on the current path…



Sander Dur
Mastering Agility

PST at Scrum Mastering from the Trenches. Podcast host at “Mastering Agility”, found on all big platforms. LinkedIn: