Three Things That Scrum Masters Can Learn From Steve

The Hidden Relationship Between Focus and Innovation

Mark ter Voert
Mastering Agility
4 min readFeb 5, 2024


A focused Steve Jobs lookalike


The concept of focus is often misunderstood. It’s not merely about dedication to a task but about prioritization and the courage to reject good ideas to preserve the great ones. Steve Jobs’ philosophy on focus sheds light on this, emphasizing the importance of saying no to many and only saying yes to the truly impactful.

“People think focus means saying yes to the thing you’ve got to focus on. But that’s not what it means at all. It means saying no to the hundred other good ideas that there are. You have to pick carefully. I’m actually as proud of the things we haven’t done as the things we have done. Innovation is saying no to 1,000 things.” ​

— Steve Jobs

Steve’s words align with some important Scrum logic of ordering, prioritization and working on the highest value first without getting distracted by other activities.

In this article, I will share what focus means in Scrum, what we can learn from Steve’s words and give three tips for achieving more focus in teams. As a bonus, I’ll share a personal tip on how I try to increase my focus time during my day.

Focus in Scrum

In Scrum, focus is not just a buzzword; it’s a fundamental value that drives the efficiency and effectiveness of the team. Unfortunately, the Scrum Guide doesn’t give us more details about the focus-value than this:

Their primary focus is on the work of the Sprint to make the best possible progress toward these goals.

That’s it. Of course, the Scrum Guide is purposefully incomplete, that’s why we have to find our information elsewhere. So, let’s learn from the words of one of the greatest innovators of all time. Teams must choose to focus on the most valuable Product Backlog Items, often making tough decisions about what not to implement, just as Steve Jobs highlighted.

For a Scrum Master, instilling this focus means ensuring that the team is not just busy, but productive. It’s about guiding the team to see the big picture, understanding the product vision, and making sure every action taken is a step towards realizing that vision. This involves rigorous Backlog Refinement, Sprint Planning, and, for the Product Owner, constant re-evaluation of priorities based on customer feedback and market changes.

Focus — Photo by Alicia Petresc on Unsplash

Take action

Here are three concrete actions that Scrum Masters can take to ensure that every Sprint is a step towards more focus:

  1. Ordering is key
    A Scrum Master should help the Product Owner with focused Backlog Management to order the Product Backlog effectively. This involves saying no to Product Backlog Items that do not align with the immediate Product Goals or add real value to the end user. A Scrum Master can help the Product Owner by asking questions about priorities or sharing methods on how to prioritize (f.e. the Eisenhower-matrix).
  2. Having just one Sprint Goal
    During Sprint Planning, a Scrum Master should encourage the team to select only as much work as they can complete without compromising quality. This ensures that the team remains focused on the Sprint Goal and does not get sidetracked by less important work.
  3. Creating a culture of discipline
    The Scrum Team needs to know they work in an environment where saying no is as much valued as saying yes. This is in line with the words of Steve Jobs. Encourage the team to push back on work that distracts from the Sprint Goal. This can be achieved by facilitating team discussions where each member’s input on the Sprint’s content is valued and considered.

Personal tip for more focus in your life

One other tip. I love using the Endel app for focused work. No affiliate here, just a genuine advice because I believe it can truly help you to have more focus time. The app creates soundscapes based on your heartbeat (when using Apple Watch for instance), walking speed, surroundings and time of day. It really helps me focus and it gives me great beats at the moment I feel a dip coming. Highy recommend using it! You can find the app in your App Store and if you subscribe through here, they offer you a free month!


In conclusion, focus in Scrum is about more than just concentration; it’s about strategic prioritization, disciplined decision-making, and maintaining clarity of purpose throughout the whole cycle. A Scrum Master plays a crucial role in ensuring that the team is conscious of and adhering to this Scrum Value, thus steering the project towards success and, therefore, innovation.

For further reflection, consider this question:

What strategies have you found effective for maintaining focus in your Scrum Teams?

If you found this article insightful, or have some thoughts to share, feel free to leave a comment or applause below!! 💬👏



Mark ter Voert
Mastering Agility

Mark is a Freelance Scrum Master, writer, and trainer. He writes about his passions: agile change management, leadership, and work happiness.