A Quick Trick to Start any Projects

Julien Samson
Mastering Oneself
Published in
2 min readMar 26, 2020


We all know starting anything (projects, tasks, and goals) is harder than just maintaining your momentum. It is especially true when all you could be doing is incessantly check your phone, watch TV or play Video games

The first 5 minutes are so dreadful, we can sometimes drown ourselves in our phone, not even remembering how we ended up there.

Do you want to write, read, play guitar, paint, start a business, complete your online course? Whatever it is, I use this simple trick to focus and start acting.

The mindset is simple:

Let’s work for 45 minutes and see what I can do. It does not matter what I create or if I make anything significant. My success is only based on working 45 minutes straights and not on what the actual result might be.

  1. Create a 45 minutes Timer for Intense Focus Work
  2. Use new feature Focus on your Android (don’t know about iPhone)
When Focus Mode is select everything is bland and inaccessible, except for a few specific apps.

Does it work all the time? probably not. It all depends on you and an actual desire to make it work.

Once you press start on the timer, this is the moment to shine and focus.

The idea is just to get started.

