Write For Us!

Becoming a writer for Masterpieces In Progress

Katie E. Lawrence
Masterpieces In Progress
2 min readApr 13, 2021



I’m so glad you found the publication and am so excited about your interest in becoming a regular writer for us. We’re a new publication, and are eager to get new people ready to produce great content for us and help build our community. If you’re still interested, definitely keep reading…

We are allowed to be masterpieces and works in progress — simultaneously.

Who we’re looking for:

  • Anybody who’s interested in growing and learning everyday
  • People from various stages of life, whether that be college, retirement, head of a family, traveling the globe, or whatever life may look like for you
  • Creative and unique writers who are able to give clear advice to readers, full of personal experience, anecdotes that connect on a deeper level, and that which doesn’t prescribe but only suggests (We’re not in the business of telling people what to do)

What we’re looking for:

Best encapsulated by Sophia Bush’s quote, “We are allowed to be masterpieces and works in progress simultaneously”, Masterpieces In Progress is all about staying in constant improvement, cultivating a growth mindset, and staying passionate about the projects that matter most.

As far as subject matter goes, what we’re willing to accept is pretty broad. However, there are a few subjects that we’re especially interested in:

  • Stepping away from self-help and actually growing as a person
  • Holistic health, with specific emphasis on the brain-body and brain-spiritual connection, however you may interpret that
  • Mental health as it pertains to growing, staying active in society, and not over medicalizing anything
  • Psychology, sociology, and neuroscience that can be used in everyday life
  • Fun facts that will help us all become better versions of ourselves

In short, we ask that you be grace-giving, fun, well-versed in the topic that you’re writing about (you don’t have to be a professional or have a degree in it, just some idea of what you’re talking about), and ready to learn from your readers and fellow writers.

If that sounds like you, email our editor at katbeth.lawrence@gmail.com a short bio, a link to a story you’ve published and are really proud of, and a link to a story (or stories) you’d like us to consider for Masterpieces In Progress.

We look forward to hearing from you!



Katie E. Lawrence
Masterpieces In Progress

Soon to be B.S. in Human Development & Family Science. I write about life, love, stories, psychology, family, technology, and how to do life better together.